James Tyrion Character in The Shadows Uprising | World Anvil

James Tyrion

James Tyrion Is a man without a past who longed for a family he never knew. He spent much of his youth searching for the answers to his past. Tyrion was born with magical affinities and used them in his trade as a bounty hunter. While mainly remaining neutral between good and evil, Tyrion had a strict morality aligned with his interest and would often turn down jobs he disagreed with or ones that felt unsavory to him. Tyrion was exceptionally good at his trade, but he always felt a longing to serve a larger purpose. He eventually would go on to be a vital member of the The Benefactors and eventually and unknowingly participate in releasing the creature known as The Karssus on the world.

Early Life

Tyrion was kidnapped as an infant by a group of extremist Rising Sun members. The rogue group, led by Doctor Howser, experimented on humans with magical abilities to create the perfect weapon. Tyrion was held deep underground in a secret lab for much of his childhood, and his memories got erased using magic, and he became brainwashed. The Rising Sun eventually discovered the unauthorized activities of Howser, and they attacked the lab. During the chaos of the battle, Tyrion managed to escape. Tyrion then spent his life on the streets surviving from day to day. Eventually, he rediscovered his magic abilities and took the role of a bounty hunter.

The Purpose

Almost twenty years later, after his escape, Tyrion was contracted by the Rising Sun to kidnap Richardson as a diversion for an assault on The Benefactors. While Kidnapping was not his usual work, Tyrion felt a strong compulsion to accept the job. After succeeding in his mission to kidnap Richardson, the leader of the benefactors convinced him to do something more honorable with his abilities. If he were to let him go free, he would help Tyrion find the answers he sought about his past. Detecting sincerity from his target, he agreed to the proposal and joined Kain, Vlad, and Zen in defense of the Benefactors. Soon after, events led to the fall of the Benefactor's headquarters in San Francisco. Tyrion still felt like he was fighting a battle with a purpose for the first time in his life.  

A Past Revealed

Almost a year after joining the benefactors, time passed with no information discovered of his past, despite his new allies' efforts, and Tyrion grew restless. One day, Tyrion received a mysterious email from a man in Siberia who claimed he could give Tyrion the answers he desperately sought. Tyrion, eager to obtain information, set out for Russia, not telling anyone where he was going. He followed the coordinates disclosed in his email to a medical facility underground. The lab was covered in archaic ruins and filled with strange, abandoned medical technology. Doctor Houser crept out of the shadows at Tyrion's arrival, claiming to be his father. Doctor Houser told Tyrion that he was chosen in infancy to be part of an experiment to combine magic and science to create the perfect warrior.   Tyrion couldn't believe what the man was saying, and In a moment of vulnerability, Houser injected a syringe into his neck, knocking Tyrion unconscious. Doctor Houser put Tyrion on the same medical table he escaped years ago.   Tyrion awoke strapped down and helpless. Seeing the Doctor prepare his sharp tools, Tyrion feared the worst. Little did he know, Casey had been tracking him since his departure from the Benefactor's headquarters. He burst into the bunker and freed Tyrion. Wanting closure, Tyrion asked Casey to wait outside while he dealt with the Doctor.
Enraged, Tyrion chased down Doctor Houser through the labs winding corridors and cornered him. Houser pleaded for his life, but Tyrion shot him without mercy or hesitation. With his captor dead and remorseful at the information he initially sought so much, Tyrion burnt the lab to the ground, eager to forget it. Tyrion returned, watching the lab burn up in flames. Tyrion stated to Casey, "The past doesn't matter anymore."


Almost ten years passed. Tyrion's friends and allies had left the Benefactors for various reasons. Vlad had requested that Tyrion watch over the Benefactors in his leave, and he took over as the acting leader. Tyrion used his new position to teach magic to a new generation and mentor any new Benefactors. Tyrion remained leader of the Benefactors for five long years with no sign of Vlad's return. During this time, Tyrion fell under the influence of the powerful being known as the Karsuss. Who eventually succeeded at driving Tyrion mad with the creature's vast magical powers. Tyrion was then responsible for single-handedly opening the portal for the Karssus to return to Earth. Once on Earth, the Karssus took the form of a gigantic demonic dragon and began wreaking havoc. With his mind twisted, Tyrion cheered his master's chaos and destruction.   Vlad returned from his expedition shortly after, rallying Kain and Zen together again to fight the Karssus. Tyrion, still under the influence, attacked the trio. Vlad having no choice used a powerful spell severing Tyrion from his magic permanently but also freeing him from the Karssus influence. Dazed and exhausted but physically okay, Tyrion joined his old friends in combat against the Karssus, defeating the creature together. Tyrion was deeply ashamed of his actions but was glad to be again in his old friend's company. He knew at that point in his life that he had the family he had been searching for all along.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mastery of Magical Abilities

Tyrion was born with magical affinities and rediscovered his powers during his youth. He honed his magical abilities over time, becoming exceptionally skilled in their usage. His proficiency in magic played a crucial role in his career as a bounty hunter and later as a member of The Benefactors.  

Successful Career as a Bounty Hunter

Tyrion excelled in his trade as a bounty hunter. He developed a reputation for being highly effective in tracking down and capturing targets. His skill set, including his magical abilities, made him a formidable force in his field. He carefully selected his jobs, aligning them with his strict moral code, and was known for turning down assignments that conflicted with his principles.  

Member of The Benefactors

Tyrion's encounter with the leader of The Benefactors led to a pivotal turning point in his life. He joined the organization and became a vital member, serving a larger purpose beyond his individual pursuits. As a Benefactor, he fought alongside his allies, defending the organization and its ideals.  

Teaching Magic and Mentoring

During his tenure as the leader of The Benefactors, Tyrion took on the responsibility of teaching magic to a new generation. He shared his knowledge and mentored aspiring individuals who wanted to harness their magical abilities. By passing on his expertise, he ensured the preservation and growth of magical knowledge within the organization.  

Defeat of the Karssus

Although unwittingly influenced by the Karssus, Tyrion ultimately played a significant role in the defeat of the creature. Despite being driven temporarily mad by its powers, he was able to break free from its control with the help of his friends. Together, they faced the Karssus and emerged victorious, protecting the world from its destructive rampage.

Failures & Embarrassments

Kidnapping of Richardson

Tyrion's decision to accept the contract from the Rising Sun to kidnap Richardson, the leader of The Benefactors, was a deviation from his usual work as a bounty hunter. Although he felt compelled to accept the job due to unknown reasons, it ultimately backfired. The act of kidnapping Richardson led to chaos and the fall of The Benefactors' headquarters in San Francisco. Tyrion may have felt regret and responsibility for the negative consequences of his actions.  

Influence of the Karssus

Tyrion fell under the influence of the powerful being known as the Karssus, which resulted in his temporary madness and involvement in releasing the creature onto the world. While he was not in control of his actions during that period, he still experienced deep shame and remorse once freed from the Karssus' control. His association with the Karssus tarnished his reputation and caused harm to those around him.  

Failure to Uncover Past

Despite his relentless search for answers about his past, Tyrion struggled to uncover the truth. Even after joining The Benefactors and having the resources and support of his allies, he remained in the dark about his origins for a considerable amount of time.  

Loss of Allies

Over time, Tyrion's friends and allies within The Benefactors left the organization for various reasons. Their departures left him feeling isolated and questioning his leadership abilities. Losing the support and camaraderie of those he had come to rely on had a significant blow to his morale and sense of belonging.  

Trusting Doctor Howser

When Tyrion received the mysterious email from Doctor Howser claiming to have the answers to his past, he embarked on a journey to Siberia alone, without informing his allies. This decision to trust a stranger and venture into a potentially dangerous situation without proper backup could be seen as a lapse in judgment or a moment of vulnerability that led to his capture and subsequent confrontation with Doctor Howser.

Morality & Philosophy

Throughout his life, James Tyrion demonstrated a strong sense of morality and adhered to a personal philosophy that guided his actions and decisions. His moral compass influenced his choices as a bounty hunter and later as a member of The Benefactors. While remaining primarily neutral between good and evil, Tyrion's strict morality aligned with his own interests and convictions.  

Striving for a Larger Purpose

Tyrion always felt a longing to serve a larger purpose beyond his individual pursuits. This desire drove him to join The Benefactors, an organization dedicated to a cause he believed in. He sought to make a meaningful impact on the world and align his actions with a greater good.  

Selective Job Acceptance

As a bounty hunter, Tyrion turned down jobs that he disagreed with or found morally unsavory. He had certain criteria that guided his decision-making, ensuring that the assignments he took on aligned with his own principles. He valued his integrity and refused to compromise it for personal gain.  

Loyalty and Companionship

Tyrion cherished the bonds of friendship and loyalty. He formed deep connections with his friends and allies, such as Kain, Vlad, Zen, and Casey. He considered them his family and was willing to protect and fight alongside them. His loyalty extended to The Benefactors, as he took on a leadership role and mentored new members.  

Redemption and Forgiveness

After falling under the influence of the Karssus and participating in its release, Tyrion experienced deep shame and regret. However, he sought redemption and forgiveness. With the support of his friends, he overcame the influence of the Karssus and joined them in the battle against the creature. Tyrion understood the importance of acknowledging his mistakes and striving to make amends.  

Living in the Present

Tyrion's philosophy evolved over time, particularly after his confrontation with Doctor Howser and the destruction of the underground lab. He learned to let go of his past, recognizing that dwelling on it would not change the present or shape his future. He embraced the idea of focusing on the present moment and the family he had found in his friends.

Personality Characteristics


Seeking Answers

From his early life, Tyrion longed for answers about his past. The desire to uncover the truth of his origins and reclaim his lost memories was a significant driving force for him. This motivation pushed him to search relentlessly for information and led him on various quests and journeys.  

Family and Belonging

Tyrion's deep longing for family and a sense of belonging influenced his actions. He yearned for the connection and camaraderie that comes with having a family, which he had been deprived of in his earlier years. This drove him to form strong bonds with his friends and allies, considering them his chosen family.  

Serving a Larger Purpose

Throughout his life, Tyrion felt a longing to serve a greater cause and find a sense of purpose. This motivation led him to join The Benefactors, where he believed he could make a meaningful impact on the world and align his actions with a cause beyond his personal interests.  

Morality and Integrity

Tyrion possessed a strong moral compass and strict code of ethics. His motivations were driven by a desire to uphold his principles and maintain his integrity. He often turned down jobs that conflicted with his moral values and made choices aligned with what he believed to be right.  

Redemption and Growth

After falling under the influence of the Karssus and participating in its release, Tyrion experienced deep shame and regret. This fueled his motivation for redemption and personal growth. He sought to make amends for his actions, learn from his mistakes, and emerge as a better person.  

Protecting Others

Tyrion's experiences as a bounty hunter and a member of The Benefactors instilled in him a sense of duty to protect others. He used his skills and magical abilities to defend the innocent, fight against evil forces, and ensure the safety of those he cared about.   Self-Discovery and Empowerment Tyrion's journey of self-discovery and harnessing his magical abilities motivated him to unlock his full potential. He sought to understand and master his powers, continuously learning and growing in his magical proficiency.
Current Status
Date of Birth
Siberia, Russia
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I may be a bounty hunter, but I choose my jobs carefully. I won't compromise my principles for a quick payday."   "The bonds we forge, the friendships we nurture—they are the family we choose and the strength that sustains us."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
English: Tyrion is fluent in English.   Local Dialects: During his time as a bounty hunter and member of The Benefactors, Tyrion encountered many diverse regions and cultures and picked up various local dialects relevant to his work.

Monster of the Week Stats

Name: James Tyrion
Playbook: The Spell-slinger


Charm: 0 Cool: +1 Sharp: +2 Tough: -1 Weird: +3   Harm Capacity: 7/7 Armor: 1 (from the duster coat)  


Magic Missiles Use Weird instead of Kick Some Ass when you engage in combat.   Spell-slinger When you use magic, roll +Weird instead of +Use Magic.   Know-It-All When another hunter in your presence uses the Investigate a Mystery move, they can add +1 to the roll.   Big Whammy When you unleash a spell to cause a devastating effect, roll +Weird.   The Sight You can see the invisible, especially the true forms of supernatural beings.  


Magic Guns A pair of specially crafted guns infused with magical energy. They can channel your spells and fire magical projectiles.   Spellbook A leather-bound grimoire containing ancient knowledge, rituals, and spells.   Duster Coat with Concealed Pockets A sturdy coat with hidden compartments, allowing you to carry small magical items or tools discreetly.