Jarred Tempest Item in The Shattered Empire of Loria | World Anvil

Jarred Tempest

This curiousity was given to Aldous Blackwell in the founding days of The Blackwell Institute. It is unknown who made this oddity, but Bruno Roldan is reputed to have gifted it to the famous scholar. It is known that the trinket is the product of early experiments in channeling the Otherlands. During the fourth expedition behind the mirror it was discovered that violent maelstroms formed in the Miasma. The cause of these storms was unknown but the destructive force and raw power was nothing short of awe inspiring. During a subsequent trip an unnamed occultist was able to channel the storm into a special jar.  This feat has never been repeated leaving the Jarred Tempest as a one of a kind artifact.  It serves not purpose other than a curiosity and dim light source.  The pure chaotic energy of the roiling storm is an oddly calming curiousity.  The jar has never been opened and is thankfully highly resistant to breaking as one could only imagine the chaos and devastation that would be caused were the storm to be released in our reality.  With Aldous Blackwell's passing the Jarred Tempest now sits on the desk of his youngest son and current leader of The Blackwell Institute, Tobias Blackwell.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder
Owning Organization
Raw materials & Components
  • Glass
  • Gold
  • Silver