Courtesan Profession in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Courtesans give company to the lonely of Doskvol, for a price. Courtesan's are not illegal in The Dusk.
Prestige: Courtesans are not looked down on in Doskvol. Often, they are doted on by their clients. Since most of the brothels are run by the gangs, it would be foolish to treat them with anything but the utmost respect anyway. Decades of this kind of protected existence has made the courtesan a traditionally well treated profession. The elites still look down on them as having not earned their place, regardless of who pays to have them on their arm.
Accoutrement: Courtesans will often have beauty products of many types, a small pistol, and other forms of protection.
Training: Courtesans don't necessarily need training for their job, but many will learn the intricacies of pleasure and blending in at wealthy balls over time.


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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper


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