Goat Herd Profession in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Goat Herd

Goat herds breed and care for the goats that are the beasts of burden in The Dusk. They pull the cabs, carriages, and carts of Doskvol. The goat herds of the Cabbies are the best in all of The Shattered Isles.
Prestige: The goat herd is generally respected and is considered a noble and specialized profession. Breeders are frequently held in very high regard, trying to improve on the beast from generation to generation. Legends say the original goats werent even big enough to ride, let alone pull carts.
Accoutrement: Goats under their charge, reins and leads for leading the goats, and usually treats like root vegetables and seaweed.
Training: Goat herding is typically a difficult profession to get into and takes a long time to train. Apprenticeships and hands on training is essential.


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Category: Professions

Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry

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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper


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