Hinbish, God of Curiosity

Hinbish, God of Curiosity is a Lawful Neutral god from the Pantheon of Society. Hinbish encourages learning anything and everything.; let your curiosity guide you. Dive down the rabbit hole, let one thought lead to another, and see where you end up. Many attempt to blame Hinbish for childhood curiosity. "Children are easily influenced by Hinbish, no sense of purpose or direction:, they'll claim. Though a relationship between childhood curiosity and Hinbish exists, it is the other way around. Hinbish fell in love with childhood curiosity and desired for mortal folks to hold onto that curiosity way past childhood.   [Picture once available]   Hinbish can be found in most Temples of Society, but against most folks assumptions, he does not have any churches or schools dedicated to him. He will not allow his clerics to set up such rigorous institutions as he believes they stifle curiosity rather than encourage it. Can one truly let their curiosity wonder when they have a strict curriculum or practice? No, says Hinbish, find your own way and your own places of worship.
Edict Choose and Perfect an art, Ask Questions   Anathema Destroy art or allow it to be destroyed, Ignore the unknown   Follower Alignment LG, NG, CG, LN, CN   Divine Font Harm or Heal   Divine Skill Arcana   Favoured weapon Ranceur   Domain Creation, Cities, Knowledge, Truth   Cleric Spells 1st Hyperfocus, 2nd Knock, 3rd Hypercognition


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