Kizmada, Goddess of Honor

Kizmada, Goddess of Honour is a Lawful Good Goddess of the Pantheon of Society. Kizmada above all else values honour. One must be honourable to themselves, their clan and even their foes. Kizmada believes that honour is the sign of a pure soul, and one can only be a truly good person if they do everything with honour in mind. Nothing can justify being dishonourable, because dishonour scars ones soul, and nothing can justify such a self inflicted horror. Due to her strict rule of honour before all else, she can be the patron goddess of some knight orders, though admittedly, a small number as most orders are willing to justify dishonour is certain circumstances. Those who follow her are often Paladins. Knights of good and justice who see honour as a core tenant.   [Picture Once Available]   Kizmada can be found in most Temples of Society, but rarely has her own churches. Honour does not require a place of worship, rather being in her followers hearts at all times. The highest clerics and paladins get a tattoo of Kizmada which marks them as mobile churches for those seeking help against the temptations of dishonour. You can always tell the difference between a true Kizmada tattoo and a fake, because a true one will have a small holy star of mercury in bedded within it, something cursed to kill any who use it dishonourably.
Edict Choose and prefect an art, Be honourable in all things   Anathema destroy art or allow it to be destroyed, be dishonourable   Follower Alignments LG, LN   Divine Font Heal   Divine Skill Society   Favoured Weapon Bastard Sword   Domain Creation, Cities, Confidence, Truth   Cleric Spells 1st Liberating Command; 3rd Circle of Protection (Must choose Chaotic or Evil 7th True Target


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