

Ibou remembers little about his life before he was (assumed to be) awakened. He has vague memories of being cared for by his mother, as well as playing with his siblings, but he has a large gap in his memory from when he was a chick to when he was brought into the monastery where he grew up. The monks there taught him how to speak and read, and educated him in the monastic tradition of the Reformed Church of Life. Though he found a family in the monastery, Ibou always felt like something was missing.   When he turned 16 (what is thought to be adulthood for owlbears) his superiors thought he was ready to make the next step in his path to true enlightenment- to venture out on his own to find his place in the world. Though he had seen some of the world outside of the monastery when he accompanied the other monks on pilgrimages or when he went out to gather supplies, he hadn't truly engaged in the world at large. Until now.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ibou is large and seemingly bulky, but he's somehow able to move swiftly and with purpose when he wants to. That being said, he's about average for a male owlbear.

Body Features

Ibou is covered in soft fur-like feathers that can be white, gray, beige, or various shades of brown. His face, chest, and the inside of his arms and paws are more white while his backside, legs, and vestigial arm-wings are a mottled brown. His paw pads are dark brown/black and rough from use, and his claws are sharp and black.

Facial Features

Ibou's facial features are standard for owlbears, though his eyes are a rare shade of orange. His beak is black and sharp enough to tear into whatever he wishes to eat.

Identifying Characteristics

Other than his plumicorns (or "horns") and his bright, piercing orange eyes, he's most identifiable by being an owlbear that walks upright and wears clothes.

Physical quirks

Ibou is able to turn his head nearly 270 degrees around in order to see.

Apparel & Accessories

Always Worn:
  • A leather satchel worn around his torso
  • A 'crown' made of various foliage he finds when foraging- can include branches, flowers, pinecones, and grasses
  • Two superficial hip guards tied around his waist with two woven leather ropes
  • Monk robes which are tied around his waist and cover his groin
  • A small jade carving which acts as his pilgrim's token, attached to his belt.
Conditionally Worn:
  • During winter: A wool scarf

Mental characteristics

Personal history

(copied from introduction)   Ibou remembers little about his life before he was (assumed to be) awakened. He has vague memories of being cared for by his mother, as well as playing with his siblings, but he has a large gap in his memory from when he was a chick to when he was brought into the monastery where he grew up. The monks there taught him how to speak and read, and educated him in the monastic tradition of the Reformed Church of Life. Though he found a family in the monastery, Ibou always felt like something was missing. When he turned 16 (what is thought to be adulthood for owlbears) his superiors thought he was ready to make the next step in his path to true enlightenment- to venture out on his own to find his place in the world. Though he had seen some of the world outside of the monastery when he accompanied the other monks on pilgrimages or when he went out to gather supplies, he hadn't truly engaged in the world at large.

Gender Identity

Cisgender male (he/him)




Under the tutelage of monks, Ibou was first taught how to communicate in common sign language, and then in common itself. He was also taught how to read and write in common, but his writing is comparable to that of a child due to his big paws making it difficult to write. He learned basic geography, history, mathematics, and other practical things as well, but the main focus of his training was on the monastic tradition of the Reformed Church of Life.


Ibou is a monk. In the monastery, his main "job" was gathering food and supplies in the area around the monastery, as he was much hardier (and scarier looking) than the other monks.

Personality Characteristics


To find his purpose in life, why he was created, and what his role is in the world.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Foraging
  • Having quiet time to himself
  • Salmon and other seafoods
  • Clear nights when the stars are out
  • Walking through dense forests
  • Getting overly wet
  • Large crowds
  • Meals made from only or mostly vegetables
  • Open plains during the day
  • Extremely warm weather


He does not mind getting dirty, but he does not particularly enjoy getting wet. If he needs to clean himself, he preens. Thus, he is not overly clean, but is not very dirty either.


Religious Views

The Reformed Church of Life, worshiping the god of enlightenment Remgar and the prophet Dekaros.

Social Aptitude

Ibou is somewhat socially awkward and can sometimes forget how large and out-of-place he is among the average population. He is extremely religious/committed to his cause, which can put some off. Though he is wary of strangers, he is loyal and caring to those he trusts.


Ibou acts very deliberately in accordance to his training. He is very calm and inquisitive, wanting to learn more about the world. Though he tries to be as delicate as possible when dealing with others, he sometimes forgets how large he is and can be clumsy at times.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Making crowns out of foliage and wearing them
  • Meditating
  • Foraging
  • Doing Tai chi (or an equivalent)
  • Reading


He is proficient in common and speaks in a calm, purposeful manner. His voice is very deep and somewhat raspy. He can also make sounds similar to owlbears such as chuffs, hoots, and screeches.   Though he can speak adequately in common, he was first taught how to communicate through common sign language and he will still sign when he talks. This can be both helpful and harmful; on one hand, his speech can be hard to understand, but he also tends to sign quickly when he's excited which can cause confusion to those trying to understand him with the aid of his signing.

Unsure of why he was awakened and of his purpose in life, Ibou has left the monastery he's called home for as long as he remembers in search of answers.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Novice Monk
Approx. 16 years old (young adult)
Date of Birth
Burnt Orange
650 kg
Known Languages
Common sign language, common, owlbear(?)

My Journey: Pages 2-3
110 AS (after shattering)

.Met automaton today. They have no name and a strange gun.   .Went to party on way to Villebur. Danced with Lady S- apparently monks make good dancers? Then had vision of Lady S by Villebur fighting Owlbears, and an upside down mountain with cannons? Do not know why, what it means. Have avoided her since. Followed strange spirit to a clearing. Was a person there My Friend called an 'an-droid'. We disabled them. The clearing had many broken automatons and Owlbear skeleton. Did my best to honor their life. My Friend brought the android with us. ------------------------- .Met some new friends today. Robert- tortle, Oddny- human. Robert knows a lot! Oddny is good at seeing traps. Happy to get to know them better! Also met our sponsor. Name of Princess Dillriina. She is strange half-spirit.   .Meditated by a cracked carved stone today. Feel like it is important. Wonder what the carvings were?   .Went to an old destroyed inn in the woods. Robert wanted to get a rock he left there. Rock turned into a shadow. Strange. ------------------------- .Lot happened today. Went with Dilriina to an underground place. The place was related to creatures from the spirit realm? Princess Dilriina began acting strange, was weak and heard voices. Used powerful magic to save us. She is very smart. Like me, she is different and people are scared of her kind. We found strange statues of the spirit creatures around, turned out to be the spirit creatures' bodies. Did my best to honor their life. Robert sat in a throne, got stuck, and some statues attacked us. It was funny. We found strange ice wine which gave visions. I tried some and had a vision of me playing in the snow as a cub, but I was outside Villebur. Wonder what it means. Followed voices Princess Dilriina heard to the icy cave. There was a spirit creature trapped in ice over a void. It said that we had been there before? But that is not possible. Maybe for others, but Oddny and I are too young! The creature possessed Princess Dilriina and we had to attack her. We were able to defeat the creature and it fell into the void with a giant hand. Then we found a metal snowflake, said to be a key to a powerful book. Everyone thinks we have time traveled from an earlier time. That makes no sense. How would that happen? The monks would not lie to me. They found me as a youngling no older than 2. I do not know. I do not wish to think of it anymore.   .Went fishing with Robert today. Caught a huge fish. It was tasty.

My Journey: Page 1
110 AS (after shattering)

-More visions. Robed man, me trapped in prison. Going to find out what it means.   -Started my journey today. Was attacked by goblins. Would not leave me alone. One started cutting the other, when I disabled him. Scary!   -Lot happened today. Slept in strange hole in the ground. Hurt elf woman came, did not run. Helped fix her arm. Then giants came, were hunting her. Turns out she is a dragon! Her name is Evryn. Used me for a spell. Sent us far away. Thank the gods her life was saved. Though, a Giant died in the spell. Unfortunate, but it is not good to hunt others because of who they are.   Outside was a winged woman playing music. Knew my name. Gave me a letter. Was from a Princess, looking for a champion for a 'festival of the falling stars'. Said I need to find a 'awtom-aton' and a 'Lady S.' I will go to the festival. Maybe my purpose is to be a champion!


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