Solar and Lunar Elves

In the Era of the Mists, the Astral Elves began experimenting on the building blocks of life, which resulted in the creation of two new species of elves from cosmic matter and energy: Solar Elves and Lunar Elves. The creators of these species were a couple of arcane scientists who were romantically involved but could not have children, and so they created the species of elves.

They met at the Arcane University of Andalus and studied the Primordial Energies together. After deciding to take their studies and theories to the laboratory, the Solar and Lunar were created as a result of several magical experiments in which the two scientists separated the Light and Darkness that existed in perfect balance within the Astral Elves and isolated them along with other Primordial components harness the power of the Suns and the Moons.

The lifespan of both the Solar and Lunar elves is about 500 years. Traditionally, the Solar Elves were dispersed throughout the Southern continent of Zimura and its surrounding islands, and the Lunar Elves were dispersed thoughout the Tear of Pasiphae, Valanhaar, and other territories in the North. Although it is not unheard of for a Solar Elf to be found in the North and vice versa, it is believed within their own traditions that living far away from one's homeland also inhibits the connection with one's celestial body of origin, especially given the 120-Polar Night that occurs throughout the Northern Tripartite every year.

The Solar Elves skin tones range from orange-reddish to copper brown. Their hair is some kind of metallic shade: brass, bronze, copper, gold, and rust. The Lunar Elves skin tones range from a pale white moonstone, to other pale blues and greens, like their Astral Elf counteparts. Similarly to the Solar Elves, their hair is also a variety of metallics ranging from white gold, platinum, silver, and darksteel (gunmetal) grey.

The culture of the Solar and Lunar elves is centered on the Suns and Moons of the world, respectively. All of their holidays, festivals, and traditions are rooted in the celestial bodies from which they are inspired and molded after.

There are also Solar and Lunar Giants, derived from the same expirements as the Elves and who went through periods of both coexistence and times of tension and cold war.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Their gestation period is the same as other species of Elves; for 22 months.

Biological Cycle

The lifespan of the elves is about 750 years
Genetic Ancestor(s)

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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