Solari Edict on Prediction and Prophecy Document in The Shattered Oceans | World Anvil

Solari Edict on Prediction and Prophecy

The Era of Mists was a historical period marked by mysticism and a worldwide yearning for a connection to the ethereal. Many covens, cults, and other spiritual groups were formed during this time with the intention of unveiling the secrets of the Mists. It was believed that when these secrets were completely uncovered by the Material World, the Wall of Mists that blocked off the Expanses would fall -- opening a New World to explore new lands and a new, enlighted era for life to evolve. Spiritualists became like the new explorers and cartographers of The Shattered Oceans -- believing their supernatural pursuits would result in new territory and experience for the entire world.

After the tragedy that occurred with the Order of the Shrouded Augurs, the Solari Empire passed the Solari Edict on Prediction and Prophecy, in which they heavily regulated and largely banned the use of divination practices, tools, and magic throughout their Empire. The rumors that the young sybils had drowned and turned to Sea Hags also stirred fear in the hearts of those who had wronged the girls. The edict was issued on the Midsummer Full Moon, when the Diviner's Festival was scheduled to occur, and was immediately shut down as a result. Instantly, a world that was centered around divination magic and its practices was turned on its head. Divination became illegal unless the practictioner was either associated with temples or other religious orders, or the Solari Government. Many fortune tellers and diviners were forced to take their businesses to the Black Market or seek out new careers, because their practices were made illegal.

Document Structure

Publication Status

This document is publicly accessible and kept in the Solari History Museum as part of the empire's archival records.

Legal status

The laws are seen valid in the Solari Empire and although they are not recognized by the Council of the Southern Tripartite, they are respected and have been enforced in previous trials.
Decree, Governmental


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