Tundra Scorpion

Tundric Aculeus

In the Northern Tripartite, there are a rare species of cold weather scorpions that exist throughout the tunnels of ice caverns, frozen plains, and mountain caves. Their bodies are covered in chitin which ranges in color from grey/white marbling to bright, powder blue, and many variant shades in between. They are respected by the Giants of the North and thought to provide good fortune for their Hunts. Although they are a very territorial species, it is taught to hunters, adventurers, and any person who may find themselves wandering throughout the North to run from a Tundra Scorpion rather than engage it.

The stinger of the scorpion falls off when it is used, and takes 3 years to grow back. This makes them more vulnerable to attack than other species of scorpions throughout the world. If the scorpion's stinger falls off, they often burrow into caverns and tunnels where they will hunt and live until their stinger grows back.

Basic Information


These creatures have 8 legs, 2 pincers, and one stinger. Their stinger is a glowy blue, pointed crystal of ice that has magical properties:

Growth Rate & Stages

The life span of the Tundra Scorpion is much longer than a desert scorpion, and it ages much slower as well. The average lifespan is about 35-40 years.

They only have two growth stages: nymph, and adult. The nymph stage lasts for the first 10 years of life, and the Scorpion is considered in adult when its stinger has changed from its original, frosted opaque coloring, to a clear, crystalline appearance that signifies adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

These creatures cannot survive outside of the arctic climates, and prefer to live in solitude.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

When burrowed, the scorpions use echolocation to determine the location of other creatures within the cave/tunnel systems. They are very perceptive when living on land or a mountain as well,


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