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Aecor, Serpent of the Depths

Aecor is often depicted as a massive sea serpent whose body coils around the very foundation of the Shattered Realms, holding the islands together and keeping the seas from swallowing them whole. His scales shimmer with the colors of the deep ocean, and his eyes are said to reflect the very soul of the sea.
The people of the Sunken Collective and the Coral Kingdoms view Aecor with a mixture of reverence and fear. They offer him tributes from their harvests and seek his blessing for safe passage through the treacherous waters. Sailors and fishermen pray to Aecor for calm seas and bountiful catches, while those who have felt the wrath of his storms know to respect the power he wields. His followers are known as Aecorians.
Legends say that Aecor was born from the union of the moon's reflection on the sea and the first raindrop to touch the ocean's surface. He is believed to possess the power to calm the fiercest storms and to summon waves that can carry islands away. It is also said that Aecor can grant visions of the future to those who dare to look into his eyes, but at the cost of their deepest secrets.
Followers of Aecor are called Aercorians, and their clergy are known as Abyssal Watchers.

Tenets of Faith

Aecorians believe in the Serpent's Covenant, an ancient pact that ensures the balance between land and sea. According to this covenant, as long as the people honor Aecor and protect the oceans, he will uphold the islands and prevent the sea from claiming them back.
Aecorians believe in an afterlife called The Abyssal Harmony, a serene underwater world where the currents carry souls to tranquility.


Once a year, during the The Festival of Tides, the followers of Aecor gather together to celebrate their god. They share tales of his sightings, perform plays depicting his legendary deeds, and launch boats laden with gifts into the sea, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mighty serpent as he blesses their offerings.
Divine Classification


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