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Frigorix, the Sovereign of Frost

Frigorix is the god of winter in the Shattered Realms. He embodies the harshness and beauty of the coldest season, representing the necessary end that precedes a new beginning. As the purifier of the land, Frigorix’s touch would be seen as both a trial and a blessing, preparing the world for the rebirth that follows in Verdanthia’s wake.
Worshippers of Frigorix - Frigorians - include the stoic inhabitants of Frostgarden, who endure the bitter cold and celebrate the strength it brings them. They honor Frigorix through festivals of light in the darkest times, and by embracing the challenges that come with the winter, viewing them as opportunities for growth and renewal.
Temples dedicated to Frigorix would be constructed from ice and stone, standing resilient against the howling winds. Within these sanctuaries, followers would offer prayers and sacrifices to ensure that the winter’s grip does not linger too long, allowing Verdanthia to usher in the spring.

Tenets of Faith

Frigorians believe in a temporary afterlife known as The Eternal Winter. This realm is be a place of serene beauty and endless snowscapes, where the spirits of the departed are said to rest in peaceful contemplation. It’s a place where the cold is not biting but comforting, symbolizing a final return to the purest form of existence.
In The Eternal Winter, souls are believed to be purified by the frost, stripped of worldly concerns, and prepared for rebirth. The cycle of life and death is honored here, and the followers of Frigorix view passing into this realm as a natural and revered transition.
Divine Classification


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