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Galefin Puffin

A bird known for its ability to navigate the turbulent airs of the Shattered Realms, its colorful feathers a match for The Iridescence. They are popular pets amongs Skyfarers, with some crews trusting their resident Galefin Puffin to predict incoming storms.
The rare albino Galefin Puffin is a sight to behold in the Shattered Realms. Known as the Ghost of the Skies, this magnificent bird is revered and often considered a good omen by the skyfarers. Its pristine white feathers shimmer with a subtle iridescence, echoing the mystical colors of The Iridescence itself.
Unlike its more colorful counterparts, the albino Galefin Puffin lacks the typical pigmentation, resulting in its all-white appearance. However, it retains the species' characteristic agility and navigational prowess, dancing through the turbulent airs with grace and ease.
Legends say that spotting a Ghost of the Skies on a voyage is a sign of protection and guidance, especially during the most perilous weather conditions. Some believe that these rare puffins are the chosen messengers of the gods, sent to watch over travelers and lead them safely through the Shattered Realms.
Due to their rarity, albino Galefin Puffins are seldom seen, and encounters with them are cherished memories for those fortunate enough to experience them.


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