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Mortis, the Shrouded End

Mortis is the god of death and the solemn guardian of the afterlife, overseeing the passage of souls from the mortal realms to the beyond. He is often depicted as a cloaked figure, face obscured by shadow, holding a lantern that guides the departed through the darkness. His followers respect the natural cycle of life and death, and they believe that Mortis's embrace is the final journey to a place of rest and remembrance. Temples dedicated to Mortis would be places of quiet reflection, where the inevitability of death is acknowledged and the memories of the lost are cherished.
Followers of Mortis are known as The Veiled Path, and their clergy are called Shroudpriests.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Mortis believe in an afterlife called The Ebonrest. It’s a place where souls find peace and respite in the eternal quiet, free from the concerns of the mortal world, embraced by the shadowy comfort of Mortis’s lantern light.
Divine Classification


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