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The Core of the Heavens

In the heart of Aerolithica lies a secret as old as the Sundering itself—a relic from the lost civilization of Pax Solacium, known as the Core of the Heavens. This enigmatic artifact, a fusion of ancient magic and technology, is the linchpin of Aerolithica's skyship prowess.
The Core of the Heavens is said to be a crystalline matrix, pulsating with an inner light that mimics the stars that once filled Solacium's skies. It is encased in a framework of unknown alloys, etched with runes that predate any known language. The relic's power is immense, capable of lifting massive structures into the air and propelling them across the vast distances between islands.
Aerolithica's arcanists and engineers, while not fully grasping the relic's workings, have ingeniously crafted a series of apparatuses that draw upon its power. These devices, known as Aetherflux Drives, or coloquially as Skyship Cores, are installed in the heart of every Aerolithican vessel, giving them dominion over the skies.
The discovery of the Core of the Heavens was indeed a stroke of fortune—or perhaps fate. It was found in the aftermath of the Great Sundering, among the floating debris of the shattered world. The relic's arrival on Aerolithican soil was seen as a divine sign, marking the nation's destiny to rule the skies.
Yet, the reliance on such an artifact comes with risks. The secret of the Aetherflux Drives is heavily guarded, for if it were to fall into the wrong hands, Aerolithica's supremacy could be challenged. Moreover, the true nature of the Core's power remains a mystery, leaving many to wonder what consequences might arise from tampering with forces beyond their understanding.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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