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The Glimmering Isles

Perched above the world, the Glimmering Isles are a breathtaking spectacle. As night falls, the islands bask in the soft glow of The Iridescence, turning the sky into a canvas of mesmerizing colors. The air is always crisp and filled with the scent of rare blossoms that bloom only in the moonlight.
The Glimmering Islands aren't affiliated with any of the great nations, and have no ruling body. While abundant in natural beauty, they have little in the way of resources, and so are overlooked by the more ambitious nations of the Shattered Realms.
The Isles are not just a place of beauty but also of legend. It is said that lovers who pledge their hearts to each other here will find their bonds strengthened by the magic of the realms, enduring through any trial. As such, these islands find themselves bustling during the The Festival of Iridescent Hearts.
This location combines the natural beauty of the Shattered Realms with the mystical allure of The Iridescence, making it an ideal setting for romance and magical moments.


The islands are home to the Luminous Gardens, a series of terraces carved into the floating rock, where luminescent flowers and shimmering waterfalls create a natural symphony of light and sound. It's a place where time seems to stand still, and the worries of the world below fade away.
Couples come to the Glimmering Isles to stroll through the gardens, their paths lit by the gentle radiance of the flora. The most famous spot is the Mirror Lake, a still body of water that perfectly reflects the starry sky above, creating an illusion of walking among the stars.


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