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The Merchants & The Crystal Orb

Celest and Orion Starfinder met Thalun Mysticshell during their travels across the Shattered Realms. Their paths crossed at a gathering of enchanters and scholars in The Arcanum, where Thalun was a guest speaker sharing his wisdom on the art of enchantment. The couple was immediately drawn to Thalun's serene presence and profound knowledge, and they spent many hours in deep conversation, exchanging ideas and stories.
The meeting proved to be fortuitous, as Thalun provided Celest with rare astral herbs for her readings, while Orion gained insights into ancient enchanting techniques. This encounter fostered a mutual respect and a professional friendship among them, enriching their respective trades and adventures.
During one of their shared adventures, Celest, Orion, and Thalun Mysticshell encountered a magical mishap that has since become a favorite tale among the skyfarers. The trio had set out to explore an ancient astral ruin, rumored to contain a relic of great power. Thalun, with his deep knowledge of enchantments, was to safeguard the expedition against magical traps, while Celest and Orion sought to uncover the celestial secrets within.
As they delved into the heart of the ruin, they came across a chamber with a pedestal at its center, atop which sat a seemingly innocuous crystal orb. Celest, drawn by the orb's astral resonance, began to decipher the runes surrounding it. Meanwhile, Thalun warned of the potent wards that protected the relic. In his eagerness to assist, Orion inadvertently disturbed a rune with his relic hunter's tools, triggering the ward.
A burst of arcane energy erupted from the orb, enveloping the chamber in a blinding light. When the light subsided, the trio found themselves in an unexpected predicament: Thalun's shell had become transparent, revealing a swirling galaxy within, Celest's voice could only sing in the tones of celestial bodies, and Orion's hands emitted a soft starlight, illuminating everything they touched.
Though initially alarmed, the group soon saw the humor in their situation. Thalun, now a living cosmos, provided a mesmerizing light show; Celest's singing voice guided them with the music of the spheres; and Orion's glowing hands ensured they never stumbled in the dark.
It took several days for the effects of the mishap to wear off, but the experience brought them closer together and left them with an unforgettable story. The orb, once properly contained, proved to be a valuable addition to The Astral Emporium's collection, and the tale of their magical mishap became a beloved anecdote at the Tortle's Trove aboard the Twilight Endeavour.


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