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Archeous, The Envious King

Archeous, The Envious King, embodies the darker facets of desire, envy, and manipulation. His insatiable greed and lust know no bounds, as he coveted everything his keen, deep green eyes surveyed — be it wealth, jewels, power, or beauty. Archeous was a tyrant, waging wars to claim whatever eluded his grasp, even going so far as to clash with fellow Usurper Sovereigns. His most sinister desire was the beautiful Lunora, the wife of Kameha. Through manipulation and force, Archeous made her his own, an act that would later become his downfall. Kameha, declaring Archeous a sworn enemy, and Lunora, working secretly within the rebellion, orchestrated a strike against the Envious King. In a moment of vulnerability, Lunora, feigning comfort, struck him down. While technically dead for over a year, Archeous's envy of the living fueled a resurrection, allowing his soul to claim those once under his dominion. Following the war, he, like other Usurper Gods, faced banishment to a realm where desire remains perpetually out of reach. Now confined to a prison of his own creation, symbolized by the elusive Emerald Meteor that traverses the night sky during the full moons, Archeous plots endlessly to escape and reclaim his lost dominion. Legends speak of those tempted by envy calling upon the meteor for power in exchange for aiding Archeous's malevolent schemes.

Divine Domains

Twilight, Death, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sigil of Archeous is a striking emblem that combines the elements of a Flaming Emerald Meteor with an envious eye. The celestial body, depicted as a vibrant emerald meteor ablaze with ethereal flames, dominates the sigil's composition. Its fiery trail cascades elegantly, creating a sense of both beauty and impending doom. At the core of the meteor, an eye, veiled in an aura of intense envy, gazes malevolently upon all it surveys. The Flaming Emerald Meteor symbolizes Archeous's imprisonment and the source of his supernatural influence. The flames represent both the destructive power of his desires and the unyielding nature of his envy. The envious eye within the meteor embodies his insatiable lust for that which he cannot possess and his perpetual gaze upon the world that once fell under his dominion.   Overall, the sigil encapsulates the essence of Archeous — a cosmic force fueled by envy, forever watching and yearning for the objects of its insatiable desire.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Covet Unabashedly: Followers of Archeous are encouraged to embrace their desires without restraint. The cult believes that by openly acknowledging and pursuing their every desire, they align themselves with the Envious King's insatiable nature.
  2. Manipulate Without Mercy: The cult teaches that manipulation is a powerful tool in achieving one's desires. Cultists are instructed to use cunning, deceit, and coercion to bend situations and individuals to their will, mirroring Archeous's expertise in manipulation.
  3. Wage Wars of Envy: In emulation of Archeous's penchant for conflict to claim what he desired, followers are urged to engage in metaphorical or literal battles to secure their ambitions. This tenet encourages a proactive and aggressive approach to fulfilling one's desires.
  4. Embrace Resurrection Through Envy: The belief in the cyclical nature of envy and resurrection is central. Followers are taught to see death not as an end but as a transition, fueled by the intense envy of the living. The promise of rebirth is a driving force within the cult.
  5. Pursue the Emerald Meteor's Blessing: The Emerald Meteor, symbolic of Archeous's prison, is considered a conduit of power. Cultists seek its blessing by aligning themselves with Archeous's schemes. Legend holds that those who gain the meteor's favor are granted extraordinary abilities, enhancing their capacity to fulfill their desires.


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