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The Reaper

The Reaper, once a fearsome ruler within the Usurper Sovereign, embodied the dread associated with death. Her kingdom operated under a regime of swift and harsh justice, where dissenters met their end without mercy. However, her encounter with the enigmatic man who would become the Ferryman marked a profound turning point. Despite subjecting him to relentless torment, the Ferryman's resilient spirit and unwavering joy in the face of suffering began to erode the Reaper's conviction. Intrigued and disturbed by the stark contrast between his demeanor and her own ruthlessness, she found herself questioning the very foundations of her existence.   As the rebellion gained momentum, the Reaper's inner turmoil intensified. Consumed by an unexpected emotion—love—she ultimately released the Ferryman, aiding his escape and defying her former allies. Joining the ranks of the Idyllists, she sought redemption and a chance at a different purpose. However, forgiveness was elusive, and she was assigned a role that would serve as both penance and duty—the tender guiding of souls to the afterlife.   Now, the Reaper stands at the threshold between life and death, a compassionate usher for those who pass beyond. Her once fearsome visage has softened into a countenance of understanding and solace. Every soul she receives is greeted not with judgment, but with the gentlest of smiles. The moments shared with the Ferryman during their encounters at the crossing are cherished respites, where forgiveness blooms in the quiet exchange between two beings, forever entwined by fate and the inexorable flow of time.

Divine Domains

Death, Grave, Atonement

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sigil of the Reaper is a striking emblem encapsulating the dual nature of her providence. At its heart is a resplendent blue rose, a timeless symbol of hope, renewal, and the ephemeral beauty woven into the fabric of existence. The delicate petals unfurl with a subtle grace, invoking the fragility of life itself.   Yet, it is the thorns that lend an intriguing complexity to this emblem. Each thorn, coated in a somber hue of blood, tells a tale of the unavoidable pain and sacrifice inherent in life's journey. The crimson-stained thorns represent the struggles, challenges, and the inevitable encounters with mortality that shape every soul's passage.   The union of the radiant blue rose and the blood-dappled thorns encapsulates the essence of the Reaper's divine providence. It stands as a poignant reminder that within life's transient beauty lies the inherent struggle and acceptance of inevitable mortality. Those who bear this sigil carry with them a visual hymn to forgiveness, embracing the imperfections and struggles that form an integral part of the profound tapestry of existence.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Embrace Forgiveness: Seek understanding and redemption for past wrongs, recognizing the capacity for change and growth in every soul.
  2. Kindness in Transition: Treat the departed with compassion and care, guiding them with a gentle smile through the realms beyond.
  3. Cherish Life's Fragility: Understand that life is transient, and every moment is a precious gift. Live with gratitude for the experiences granted.
  4. Illuminate Shadows: Confront the darkness within and without, offering understanding to those who walk in the shadow of their own deeds.
  5. Cultivate Inner Light: Nurture the light within, fostering joy and kindness that can withstand the trials of existence.


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