New Hinderences & Edges in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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New Hinderences & Edges


  Amorous (Minor) Suffer a -2 penalty to resist Tests by any character with the Attractive edge (-4 if Very Attractive) of the gender of your choice.   Apprentice/Novitiate (Minor/Major) The character must have an Arcane Background edge to take this hindrance. The character is a novice magic user or novitiate priest and has left his teaching/studies to venture into the world before he is ready. The player must devise a reason why the character has set out into the world before graduating fully into their profession. Examples include; the character’s master/mentor has died, the character thinks he is ready to face any and all danger and doesn’t need to continue their discipline, or the character has been disgraced and has been thrown out of the institution where they studied. The Minor Hindrance sees the character start with an arcane skill roll no higher than a d6. The character must buy this hindrance off before they can advance their applicable arcane skill roll higher than a d8. A character with the major version of this hindrance starts with the above and one less starting power than normal for their applicable arcane background, and in addition, only half the power points.   Heavy Sleeper (Minor) An earthquake wouldn’t wake you. Once your character has fallen asleep, he must make a Notice roll at -2 in order to wake up.   Magic Forbiddance (Major) Whether the character has a fear of supernatural forces, or believes that the use of any sorcery to be a source of evil, the character has foresworn the use of any arcane or divine magic. They will eschew the use of any magically imbued item such as weapons or armor, potions, and spells cast upon them, even if beneficial.   Monolingual (Minor) Most denizens of the Silver Shores are multi-lingual, knowing at least 2 languages; Trade and their native language. This character knows only one language and starts the game knowing only their native tongue.   Seasick (Minor) The character must make a Vigor check at −2 each time he boards a water vessel. On a success, the character manages to control his sickness. With a failure, he gains a level of Fatigue where one level of Fatigue is recovered after an hour on land. Should a character be aboard a boat/ship during a storm or sea combat, he must make a Vigor roll every five minutes until the storm abates, the battle concludes, the character is back on solid ground, or he is Incapacitated. He still rolls if he’s already suffering seasickness—a second failed Vigor roll inflicts another level of Fatigue. Fatigue gained in this fashion can cause Incapacitation but not death.   Xenophobe (Minor/Major) The character has a dislike of all races other than his own, and finds dealing with them unpleasant at best. He openly voices his hostility, frequently causing fights and raising obstacles where none need exist. This incurs a −2 Persuasion penalty for the Minor version and a −4 for the Major, along with any roleplaying consequences.

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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