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Glasya is an archdevil ruling over the Malbolge region of Bresylle. Possessing a trademark copper skin tone, Glasya often preferred to take on the form of a succubus, but her true form is actually a nine foot tall half-snake creature with large, leathery wings. Despite this, the other devils of Malbolge and Bresylle in general consider her to be extremely beautiful.   Awakened by the Creator Asmodeus during the King's Age, Glasya was a bright and curious child who experimented with all sorts of magic and technology. Her innocence was endearing to Asmodeus and after spending time with her, he adopted her as his daughter. During the War of Creation, Glasya teamed up with several other Prorenae to hopefully find a way to seal the King in another dimension, but the Change put a halt to their progress.   Glasya is perhaps the least predictable of the archdevils, with a long history of capriciousness, whimsy and mischief. She takes pride in her nonconformity to the expectations of an archdevil and actively flouts the rules of Bresylle at her leisure. Surprising others with unexpected gambits is a great source of delight for her, and even before Asmodeus declared her an archdevil, she was rebellious and defiant.   Despite her odd habits, Glasya is no less cruel than any other fiend. Her style of torment often has a verbal element. She was articulate, combining mockery, verbal games, misleading statements, cruel teasing and noble snobbishness to toy with her prey before she grew bored. Glasya has a disturbing love of those she deems "matches the aesthetic", and often spares those she finds appealing, even mortals or celestials that she felt were open to corruption.   Much like her cruelty, Glasya's penchant for concocting schemes mirrors that of Asmodeus. Her ambition isn't stemmed from being the adopted daughter of Asmodeus, as she has demonstrated a willingness to cross any line for power. She's an intelligent manipulator, possessing in abundance the guile needed to survive in Bresylle. Glasya owes her continued survival to her ability to deflect suspicion and insulate herself from blame, typically by having her allies serve as scapegoats. Despite her uncaring demeanor, her sycophants often willingly sacrifice themselves for her, for Glasya knows how to invoke sympathy even in those fighting her and use seduction, deception, temptation and even honesty to win allies for her cause. She prefers to talk rather than directly confront, make allies more than more enemies and was quick to dispatch attackers.   Simply drawing close to Glasya was dangerous since she gives off an intoxicating aura that left those anywhere near her confused. While in this state, a simple glare from Glasya could send the victim into unconsciousness. Even disregarding her presence, Glasya can cause fear through her words alone. She has various powers of manipulation, including charm, dominate and hold monster spells as well as the ability to polymorph. Glasya rarely engaged in direct combat against her foes, teleporting away from dangerous situations and letting her underlings handle the threat. When she deigned to do battle, she used her mental abilities to control her enemies while maneuvering herself.   After luring in her foes, Glasya prefers to use painful spells, such as touches that drained the body, stole the victim's willpower or infected them with a wasting disease. Glasya could also cast finger of death, contagion and can even bite her victims to inflict a demonic poison. Glasya is known to wield a magically poisoned short sword that she resorts to when her touch fails. She often wears jewelry and carries defensive magic items such as a ring of protection and ring of invisibility.   Like all archdevils, Glasya has the ability to regenerate, but unlike her peers, regeneration would continue to happen after her death, if her body was not destroyed. Her prowess in both combat and magic are said to have significantly increased after being appointed Archdevil of Malbolge by Asmodeus, although she still remains as one of the weakest of the archdevils.   Despite her lacking personal power, the number of cults devoted to Glasya are countless. She had a large following of mortals even before her rise to archdevil, which eventually came to rival the numbers of even the most worshipped demon. Part of Glasya's appeal comes from that she symbolizes rebellion against oppression. Glasya is a dissenter, and her cults emerge and prosper in places where order and tradition are paramount because she presents a way for the persecuted, exploited, downtrodden and others to escape the rules. Mortals who went up against overwhelming odds with bold plans often drew her attention and in some cases, even her patronage.   Glasya is an expert when it comes to exploiting the law for her own gain and helps others turn the system against itself to obtain more power. Her followers typically cluster themselves in places of political unrest. Thieves and criminals in general are followers of Glasya, but corrupt nobility in particular fall into her sphere of influence. She is the patron of those who want power both absolute and legitimate, such as ambitious royals that rise to the throne when their parents die in an "accident".   Glasya's realm of Malbolge, the smallest and least populated region of Bresylle, has gone through many rulers over the millennia. At a glance, Malbolge resembles a verdant wilderness, but despair, the stench of rot and venomous threats can be found upon closer inspection. The water is poisonous, the oozing plants are bloated, trees are twisted in brown if not completely dead and the smell of the flowers induced nightmares. The entire realm is trapped in a near-death state. Various devils can be found roaming Malbolge, including cambions, bulezaus and other twisted castoffs. Massive vermin such as wasps, scorpions, centipedes and spiders are also common.


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