BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The kenku Mangler was born into slavery in 1930 SMA and was put into work in his master's fish hatchery as soon as he could stand. After twelve years of labor, a cloaked figure kidnapped Mangler's father in the dead of night. Mangler grabbed a kitchen knife and followed the figure back to his master's manor, where he witnessed a horrific sight.   Mangler's master was using the lifeforce of his slaves to perform grotesque necromantic rituals. Mangler attempts to kill his master, but is defeated, barely managing to escape. Fleeing the hatchery, Mangler eventually finds a church to take asylum in. The clerics there raise him until he is an adult and officially takes an oath as a cleric, specializing in upholding the sanctity of the Grave. He goes on to travel the frontier for years, stamping out necromancy and the undead wherever he finds it.   One particular day, Mangler reads a job notice posted by a Gundren Rockseeker, asking for help with dealing with some goblins. Happy to help as any cleric would, Mangler accepts the job. Meeting Gundren alongside another who took the job, a githyanki named Yellesa, the two travel to the cave to kill the goblins and rescue Gundren's brother, who had presumably been kidnapped by them. They do so with relative ease.   From there, the two travel with the Rockseekers to the local town of Phandalin and are hired by Gundren for another job: find a specific map that the goblins stole and took to their main hideout. Believing that the leader of the local gang might have a lead to the location of this hideout, they enter a ruined mansion on the edge of town, killing every gang member they meet on the way. In the hideout of the Rebrand gang, Yellesa comes into contact with a nothic who was working for the Redbrands. It agrees to allow the party to pass under the agreement that they kill both Glasstaff and his boss, the Black Spider. Yellesa agrees to this deal and the party finds and interrogates Glasstaff before feeding him to the nothic.   Mangler captures a goblin living in the Redbrand Hideout and intimidates him to lead them to his main base. They then kill the goblin and sneak into the ruins of the castle it led them to, eventually coming across an old bugbear leading the goblins. They kill him and spare one of his allies, a female drow, and find the map Gundren asked them to find in the bugbear's possessions.   The party returns to Phandalin and gives Gundren the map, after which he hires them for a third and final job: clear out Wave Echo Cave of any dangers in it and locate the mysterious Forge of Spells said to lie within.   The adventurers cautiously enter the cave and battle the hordes of undead inside before making their way into its innermost room and confront the Black Spider. Despite his advanced necromantic powers, they are victorious and burn his body to ensure he can not be revived. Afterwards , the party further explores the cave and locates the Forge of Spells, guarded by a polite spectator. Considering that they had technically found the Forge as they were hired to , the party leaves Wave Echo Cave.   Gundren pays the party after the exit the cave and they give him the good news. Proud of their accomplishments but eager to move on from the great burden that the last two weeks have been, the party goes their separate ways here. More powerful, Mangler sees no reason to cease what he has been doing for years and gets back on the road as a traveling cleric.


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