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The Characters of the Dreams of Tomorrow Campaign

There are many characters that the adventuring party encounters during the course of the campaign. Some are significant enough to the adventurers' character arcs, lore of the Silverlands or potential future campaigns to be recorded here.   Treefather Quinn Applebee is an old gnome druid who currently is the archdruid of the Estrian Archipelago and hosts a druidic pilgrimage every few years. Approximately 200 years ago he was a member of an adventuring party including the paladin Anaxi, wizard Hedda and artificer Khenoc. They were quite successful, saving multiple towns and participating in major expeditions into unknown wilderness. Eventually Anaxi decided that the party should make their names known far and wide by taking the head of the infamous Skeleton King. While pursuing a lead to his hiding place, they confronted one of his lieutenants and were soundly defeated. Anaxi was killed and both Quinn and Hedda were severely wounded, forcing Khenoc to use spells and smoke bombs to escape with the two in his arms. The party dissolved afterwards and Quinn relocated to Estria and set up a druid haven named after his friend: Anaxi's Garden. He has been cultivating this haven for some 200 years and while he is old for a gnome he likely still has a few years left in him.   The red dragon Folgath is the self-proclaimed lord of Estria and rules from his perch: Mt. Folgath, the largest volcano in the Silverlands. He is a typical dragon, lording over his people from high in the sky and taking their gold as a religious tithe in exchange for him not destroying them. He took his mountain after killing his father for it who in turn had stolen it from his father, a dragon named Romo who was one of the Prorenae awakened by Tiamat.   Thera was a Deva of the twilight domain under Mir after being saved by them during the Change. Unlike many of the other angels who performed their duties with a religious zeal, Thera was calm and calculating, preferring to observe before acting. She especially enjoyed using her long years of experience to tutor younger angels and even mortals, having been the patron of over a dozen famous clerics throughout the years. Areth was one such cleric. Thera had detected the King's presence on Estria and mistook it for a fiend, deciding it would be a good proving opportunity for the young elf. She watched over and advised Areth before realizing it was the King they were against, when she got personally involved. Unfortunately, Thera was killed protecting Areth and her allies from the King, giving them the chance to defeat him for good. While she has gotten permission to be reborn, it will still be some years before that happens.   Captain Grinner is a locathah who captains a ship of pirate hunters in the sea surrounding Estria. Banished from his tribe for interacting with outsiders, he gleefully left that life behind and worked on several ships before obtaining enough money to purchase his own sloop. On one of his first voyages his ship was attacked by a much larger frigate, but his combat skill and tenacity resulted in him killing the captain of the ship and taking it over, crew and all. He declared their end of piracy and the start of a new, much more profitable venture: pirate hunting. He eventually recruited a lone wood elf, Grum, while in a port town and the two have been inseparable since. Grinner assisted the adventurers on their trip to Estria and their attack on the Black Bones Fleet, earning him a good amount of money and recognition from the Duke Ordelia himself. He has since expanded his pirate hunting to the entire Laume Sea.   Duke Jacob Ordelia is the nephew of King James Ordelia IV of Arabas and thus was very privileged his entire childhood. Unlikely to take the throne, he instead enrolled in the military's officer academy rather than allowing himself to be appointed, believing that earning his place would gain him more respect and loyalty from his troops in the long run. He was correct, and combining his natural tactical abilities and ruthlessness, he proved himself in multiple campaigns and eventually attained the rank of General of the entire Arabas military. In 1959 SMA, he convinced the the King to allow him to take a sizeable military detachment to conquer the Estrian Archipelago and establish a colony there. He was given permission and quickly took over the islands in a brutal war. He declared the new colony the Arabas Dukedom and himself the new Duke Ordelia and retiring from the military. In the years since then he has consolidated power and is more or less the only economic power in the region with any real impact. During the Dreams of Tomorrow campaign he provided economic and military support to the adventuring party as a reward for their defeat of several threats to his rule. He was assassinated by an unknown force in 1976 SMA, creating an unstable focus of power in the islands.   Lady Tealia "Teal" Ordelia is the first and only child of Duke Jacob Ordelia and as such has been pretty spoiled her entire life. The Duke wanted to spare her from the dangers of the untamed wilderness around her and attempted to keep her from leaving their mansion. She secretly sneaks out often without his knowledge, pursuing her interest in ancient civilizations and magic. Her two retainers, Petra and Oro, are skilled fighters who were originally arrested as criminals before being saved from execution by Teal in exchange for their service. In the Dreams of Tomorrow campaign, Teal is the first contact to give the adventurers any leads in their pursuits and consistently provided them with information she had dug up on the King and the Prorenae.   Jerzeh is a young triton from the town of Novros. When he was an infant, the kingdom of Arabas conquered his people to establish their colony on Estria, pushing them into fringe villages such as Novros. Growing up he heard stories of the strength of his lost heritage and a fury began to fester within him, spurred on by the anger at his father for refusing to participate in the war. As he grew older, his aggressiveness earned the following of many of the town children and he focused their energy into a sort of town militia to make up for the lack of adult males lost in the war. When Jerzeh was 17 he met the visiting adventurers from Dreams of Tomorrow. One of them saw the fire in his eyes and gave him a dagger, the first real weapon he had ever had. Later that same day he would use the knife to kill a pirate sailing above Novros, gaining their attention and causing a massacre in which 11 townspeople were killed. As is tradition, Jerzeh was banished from Novros for 10 years and his current whereabouts are unknown.   Golden Frog is a tabaxi druid of the Circle of Spores and has been shunned by almost everyone thanks to her antisocial tendencies and dark views. Chased from her homeland, she eventually fell in with the Black Bone Pirates as the Admiral saw use in having a druid. She and her group eventually encountered the adventuring party from Dreams of Tomorrow and was the only survivor of the skirmish thanks to the tiefling Quaithe convincing the others to spare her. She was unable to give them useful information and the party was about to execute her before Quaithe yet again convinced them to spare her, allowing her to leave in peace. She was changed by this encounter, realizing that she had nearly died following others and not doing what she believed in. She decided that from then on she would only follow her own wishes and carve her own path. Her current whereabouts are unknown.


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