Repairing Things in The Sirius Galaxy | World Anvil
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Repairing Things

The table below describes the levels of damage an object or device can suffer, and how long it might take to fix it. Modifiers are applied according to circumstances. Repairing ships works differently (see Spacecrafts for more information).
    Damage Level - Base time - Minimum Time - Reduction Time
Scraped - 1 min - 30 sec - 10 seconds
Banged up - 5 min - 3 min - 30 seconds
Battered - 15 min - 7 min - 2 minutes
Torn - 30 min - 15 min - 5 minutes
Breached* - 1 hour - 30 min - 10 minutes
Smashed* - 24 hours - 12 hour - 3 hours
    *Spare parts and top-notch tools are required. The device is basically built from scratch, using the salvageable parts from the wreckage.

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