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Aldhaven is a small town located in the Portage Forest, with a population of around 2,500 people. The town has a diverse demographic, with a mix of human, elven, and dwarven inhabitants, and a small population of halflings and gnomes. The people of Aldhaven are hardworking and self-sufficient, relying on hunting, fishing, and farming for their livelihoods. The town is governed by a council of appointed officials, with a duke/duchess and several aldermen, and has a small militia force to maintain order. Aldhaven is known for its thriving timber industry, production of pottery and ceramics, and skilled craftsmen, who produce high-quality textiles and other goods. The town is located on a major trade route between Shadowlake and the western regions of Anbria, and benefits from its access to fertile land, fresh water, and abundant natural resources.


Aldhaven is a small town with a population of around 2,500 people. The town has a diverse demographic, with a mix of human, elven, and dwarven inhabitants. The human population makes up the majority of the town, with the elves and dwarves each comprising a smaller but significant portion. The town also has a small population of halflings and gnomes. The residents of Aldhaven are generally hardworking and self-sufficient, with many relying on hunting, fishing, and farming for their livelihoods.


Aldhaven is governed by a council of appointed officials, consisting of a duke or duchess and several aldermen, who are responsible for making decisions and managing the town's affairs. The council is appointed by the duke or duchess, with each member serving a term of ten years. The duke acts as the chief executive of the town, overseeing the day-to-day operations and working with the aldermen to set policies and make decisions that benefit the community, in addition to their duties for their region of Anbria. The government is relatively small and decentralized, with most decisions made at the local level by community groups and individuals.


Aldhaven is located in a relatively safe area and does not face any major external threats, such as bandits or raiders. However, the town does have a small militia force to maintain order and deal with any potential disturbances. The militia is made up of local volunteers and is led by a captain appointed by the town council. Additionally, the town has a sturdy wooden palisade surrounding it, which can be closed in times of danger. The river also provides a natural barrier on one side of the town.

Industry & Trade

Aldhaven is known for its thriving timber industry, with numerous sawmills and carpentry shops located throughout the town. The surrounding Portage Forest provides an abundance of high-quality timber, which is harvested and processed into lumber for export to other regions of Anbria. In addition to timber, Aldhaven is also known for its production of pottery and ceramics, which are crafted from the rich clay deposits found in the banks of the Cobalt Tributary. The town also has a bustling trade market, where merchants from neighboring towns and cities come to buy and sell goods. The Cobalt Tributary, which flows through Aldhaven, provides a convenient means of transportation for goods to be transported to other parts of Anbria.


Aldhaven has a relatively simple infrastructure due to its small size and rural location. The town is centered around a small marketplace, which is surrounded by a cluster of shops and homes. There is a small temple dedicated to the local deity, as well as a small barracks for the town guard. Aldhaven has a basic road system, with the main road leading from the town into the surrounding forest. The cobalt tributary provides a source of water and a means of transportation for goods, but there are no major docks or wharves. Overall, Aldhaven's infrastructure is modest but functional for the needs of the town and its inhabitants.


Aldhaven's primary assets are its location and natural resources. Situated at the headwaters of the Cobalt tributary in the Portage Forest, the town has access to fertile land and abundant fresh water, making it an ideal location for farming and fishing. Additionally, the surrounding forest provides ample timber for construction and other uses. Aldhaven also benefits from its position on a major trade route between Shadowlake and the western regions of Anbria, allowing for the easy transport of goods to and from the town. Finally, the town is known for its skilled craftsmen, who produce high-quality textiles, pottery, and other goods, which are in high demand throughout the region.


Aldhaven was founded by a group of settlers who were looking to establish a new town in the Portage Forest. The town was strategically located at the headwaters of the Cobalt Tributary, making it an important hub for transportation and trade. Over the years, Aldhaven grew into a prosperous community, with its economy based on logging, hunting, and fur trading.   In the early days, Aldhaven was a lawless place, with bandits and outlaws preying on travelers and settlers. However, with the arrival of the Anbrian Army, the town was brought under control and a more organized system of government was established. Today, Aldhaven is a thriving town, with a strong economy and a vibrant community. The people of Aldhaven are known for their hospitality and resilience, and the town remains an important center of trade and commerce in the region.


  • Aldhaven

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