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Green Sea

The Green Sea is a vast ocean that stretches across the southern coast of Prinora. It is a tropical paradise with crystal clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and an abundance of marine life. The sea is home to a variety of intelligent underwater races such as merfolk, tritons, and other aquatic beings. The islands that dot the sea are lush with tropical vegetation and provide a haven for sailors and travelers. However, the sea is not without its dangers, as powerful storms and fierce sea creatures can pose a threat to those who venture too far from shore. Additionally, pirates and other unscrupulous individuals are known to prey on unwary travelers. Despite these risks, the Green Sea remains a popular destination for adventurers and traders seeking fortune and adventure.


The Green Sea is a vast ocean located in the southern hemisphere of the world of Prinora, surrounded by various continents and island chains. The sea is characterized by its warm tropical water. The sea is dotted with numerous small islands and reefs, making it a popular spot for both trade and tourism. The ocean floor is also rich in minerals, with various underwater mines present throughout the region. The currents of the Green Sea can be strong, and large storms are not uncommon, making navigation treacherous at times.


The history of the Green Sea dates back to ancient times when it was explored and settled by various seafaring civilizations. Over the centuries, it has been the site of numerous naval battles, pirate raids, and trading expeditions, shaping the course of its history. In more recent times, the Green Sea has become a hub for trade and commerce, with many major cities and ports located along its coastlines. However, it remains a place of great danger and mystery, with rumors of sea monsters, hidden treasures, and lost civilizations still circulating among sailors and adventurers. Despite the dangers, the Green Sea continues to draw travelers and explorers from all over the world, eager to discover its many secrets and hidden treasures.


The climate of the Green Sea is tropical, and the sea experiences warm temperatures throughout the year. The area is also subject to frequent hurricanes, especially during the rainy season, which typically lasts from Sunmoon to Frostfall. The Green Sea is known for its clear blue waters, and visibility can be up to 100 feet deep in some areas, making it a popular spot for swimming.

Flora and Fauna

The Green Sea is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, both above and below the surface of the water. In the waters, colorful coral reefs abound, supporting a variety of fish, sea turtles, dolphins, and other marine life. Schools of shimmering fish swim through the clear waters, while larger predators such as sharks and barracudas prowl the depths. Seagrass beds provide a vital habitat for many species, including manatees and sea horses. On the islands and surrounding coastlines, lush tropical vegetation thrives, including palm trees, flowering plants, and various fruit trees. Many bird species can be found here as well, such as pelicans, gulls, and terns. Mammals such as monkeys, iguanas, and wild boars also inhabit the islands.

People and Settlements

The Green Sea is home to various aquatic races, including merfolk, tritons, sea elves, and sahuagin. Merfolk and tritons are the most common races in the Green Sea, and they are known for their advanced underwater civilizations. They build intricate coral cities and underwater fortresses, and their societies are often based on a complex system of family ties and social status. Sea elves, on the other hand, are more nomadic and tend to live in small groups that move from one part of the sea to another. Sahuagin are a more aggressive and territorial race, often seen as enemies of the other underwater races. There are also rumors of other, more mysterious aquatic races that inhabit the deepest parts of the Green Sea.    


The Green Sea is a rich source of resources for the inhabitants of the surrounding regions. The sea is teeming with a diverse array of fish, shellfish, and other seafood that is harvested for food. The coral reefs surrounding the islands and atolls provide a source of building material and jewelry-making materials, such as pearls. The seaweed that grows in the shallow waters of the Green Sea is harvested for medicinal purposes, as well as for use in food and beauty products.


The Green Sea is home to various threats, including natural hazards and dangerous creatures. The strong currents and unpredictable weather patterns can make sailing difficult, and powerful storms are known to occur in the area. Additionally, the waters are home to a variety of dangerous creatures, including sharks, sea serpents, and other predatory species. Pirates and sea monsters are also a constant threat, with many sailors reporting sightings of krakens and giant octopuses. 
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