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King Alastair Stormwind

Alastair is a tall and imposing figure. His dark brown hair is kept short and neat, and his piercing blue eyes are often considered his most striking feature. He is often seen wearing regal attire, including a gold crown adorned with precious gems. As a strong and decisive leader, Alastair takes his role as king of Anbria seriously. Highly intelligent and strategic, he prioritizes justice and fairness, and excels in diplomacy, reading people and understanding their motivations. Born into nobility, Alastair received an extensive education in politics, warfare, and diplomacy, preparing him for the responsibilities of ruling. Skilled in combat and a charismatic speaker, he inspires his troops and rallies his people. However, his passion for justice can blind him to compromise, and his strong sense of duty can lead him to take unnecessary risks. His primary goals are ensuring the safety and prosperity of Anbria, maintaining peace and stability, and expanding his kingdom's influence and power.


Alastair is a tall and imposing figure, standing at six feet four inches. He has a muscular build, with broad shoulders and a chiseled jawline. His hair is dark brown and is kept short and neat. His eyes are piercing blue and are often described as the most striking feature of his face. He is often seen wearing regal attire, complete with a gold crown encrusted with precious gems.


Alastair is a strong and decisive leader who takes his role as king very seriously. He is highly intelligent and strategic, always thinking several steps ahead in order to protect his kingdom and its people. He is deeply passionate about justice and fairness and will go to great lengths to ensure that his people are treated fairly. He is a natural diplomat, with a talent for reading people and understanding their motivations.


Alastair was born into a noble family in Anbria and was raised with the expectation that he would one day become king. He received an extensive education in politics, warfare, and diplomacy, and was groomed from a young age to take on the responsibilities of ruling a kingdom. When his father passed away, Alastair ascended to the throne at the age of 25 and has been ruling Anbria with great success ever since.


Alastair is a skilled warrior, trained in the use of a variety of weapons including swords, spears, and bows. He is also highly intelligent and strategic, with a talent for analyzing complex situations and coming up with effective solutions. He is a charismatic speaker and has a way of inspiring his troops and rallying his people behind a cause.


Alastair's passion for justice can sometimes blind him to other important considerations, such as the need for compromise or the importance of maintaining alliances. He can also be somewhat stubborn, and may refuse to back down from a position even when it is not in his kingdom's best interests. Additionally, his strong sense of duty to his people can lead him to take risks that are not always wise or necessary.


Alastair's primary goal is to ensure the safety and prosperity of his kingdom and its people. He is deeply committed to maintaining the peace and stability of Anbria, even if it means making difficult and unpopular decisions. He is also determined to expand Anbria's influence and power, and is constantly seeking ways to strengthen his kingdom's position in the region.
Short dark
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 4"
Ruled Locations

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