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Portage Forest

The Portage forest is a vast, ancient woodland that dominates the heart of Anbria. It is a dense and wild expanse of towering trees, gnarled undergrowth, and hidden clearings. The forest is home to a staggering variety of flora and fauna, including many species that cannot be found anywhere else in the Six Realms of Prinora.   The forest is crisscrossed by a network of rivers and streams that flow into the nearby coast, and small lakes and ponds can be found throughout the forest. The forest floor is covered in thick layers of leaves, pine needles, and underbrush, making travel difficult and slow for those who venture into its depths.   The Portage forest is steeped in legend and lore, with many tales of hidden groves, ancient ruins, and magical creatures that call the forest home. It is said that powerful druids and witches make their homes deep within the forest, and that those who wander too far off the beaten path risk becoming lost forever. Despite the dangers, however, the Portage forest remains a place of great beauty and wonder, a natural treasure that has been protected by the people of Anbria for generations.


The Portage Forest is a large, dense forest in the eastern part of Anbria. The forest is characterized by tall trees, thick undergrowth, and a variety of wildlife, including bears, wolves, and deer. Numerous streams and rivers wind their way through the forest, providing sources of fresh water and creating beautiful cascades and waterfalls. The terrain is hilly in some areas, with deep valleys and steep cliffs. Overall, the Portage Forest is a wild and beautiful place, but also one that can be challenging to navigate and survive in without proper preparation and knowledge.


The history of the Portage Forest is long and storied, dating back centuries. The forest has been home to many different groups of people over the years, including tribes of indigenous people who lived off the land and hunted game in the woods. Later, the forest became a popular location for logging and mining, as its rich resources were exploited by colonizers and industrialists.


The climate of the Portage forest is predominantly temperate, with warm summers and cool winters. The forest is situated on the coast, so it experiences relatively high levels of precipitation year-round, with rain and mist common throughout the forest.

Flora and Fauna

The Portage forest is home to a diverse array of plant and animal life, much of it unique to the region. The forest is characterized by its towering trees, including species such as redwood, oak, maple, and cedar. The forest floor is covered in a thick layer of underbrush, including ferns, wildflowers, and mosses.   The forest is also home to a variety of animal species, including deer, foxes, bears, wolves, and coyotes. The forest is particularly known for its birdlife, with species such as owls, hawks, woodpeckers, and songbirds all commonly found within its borders. The rivers and streams that flow through the forest are home to a variety of fish species, including trout, salmon, and bass.   In addition to its more common inhabitants, the Portage forest is also home to a variety of magical creatures and spirits, including unicorns, sprites, and dryads. Many of these beings are elusive and difficult to spot, but their presence adds to the sense of enchantment and wonder that pervades the forest.

People and Settlements

The Portage Forest is home to a variety of human and non-human settlements, each with their own unique customs and traditions. There are several settlements scattered throughout the forest. These range from isolated homesteads and farms to small hamlets and villages. Many of these communities are closely tied to the natural world and practice druidic magic. Others are more focused on industry and commerce, making use of the forest's abundant resources to create goods and services that are traded throughout the region.   While the people of the Portage Forest are diverse, they are united by their connection to the land and their desire to live in harmony with the natural world. They are a proud and self-sufficient people, fiercely protective of their way of life and the forest that sustains them.


The Portage Forest is rich in natural resources, making it an important economic center in the region. The forest is known for its abundant timber, which is used to build ships, homes, and furniture. The rivers that run through the forest are home to various fish species, including trout and salmon, which provide a source of food for the people living in the region. The forest is also home to various medicinal plants and herbs, which are used by local healers to treat ailments. In addition, the forest is home to various wildlife, such as deer and rabbits, which provide a source of meat for hunters. Overall, the forest's resources play a significant role in sustaining the local economy and way of life.


The Portage Forest is home to a variety of threats that make it a dangerous place for the unprepared. One of the most significant dangers is the presence of wild beasts such as wolves, bears, and large cats. Bandits and outlaws also roam the forest, preying on travelers and merchants who venture too far off the beaten path. In addition, the forest is said to be haunted by the spirits of those who have died in its depths, and many superstitious locals avoid certain areas for fear of encountering malevolent entities. The dense foliage of the forest also makes it easy to get lost, and many have perished after becoming disoriented and unable to find their way back to civilization.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under

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