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The Black Clan

The Black Clan is a renowned thieves' guild operating discreetly across the Six Realms of Prinora. Unlike most criminal organizations, the Black Clan has a unique mission: to serve the less fortunate and destitute. They see themselves as champions of the oppressed, working in the shadows to provide aid, protection, and justice to those who have been marginalized or victimized by corrupt powers.

Leadership and Structure

The Black Clan is led by a secretive council composed of seasoned and experienced members. Each council member represents a specific realm within Prinora, overseeing the operations and activities of the guild in their designated region. Underneath the council, there are various tiers of membership, including skilled thieves, infiltrators, spies, and resourceful individuals who share the guild's mission and values.


The Black Clan maintains hidden bases and safehouses throughout the Six Realms, strategically located in discreet locations such as abandoned buildings, hidden caves, or even beneath bustling marketplaces. These hideouts are equipped with secret passages, concealed compartments, and other covert measures to ensure the safety and anonymity of the guild's members.

Goals and Activities

The primary goal of the Black Clan is to protect and assist the less fortunate. They undertake covert operations to undermine oppressive regimes, corrupt officials, and criminal organizations that exploit the vulnerable. Their activities include thefts from corrupt officials and wealthy elites, redistributing wealth to those in need, gathering information on corrupt practices, and providing support to the downtrodden.

Code of Conduct

The Black Clan operates by a strict code of conduct. They prioritize non-lethal approaches whenever possible, preferring stealth, agility, and cunning over unnecessary violence. The guild members are forbidden from harming innocents or engaging in activities that would bring harm to the communities they serve. The Black Clan values loyalty, secrecy, and mutual support among its members.

Symbol and Attire

The symbol of the Black Clan is a stylized black raven, representing their ability to navigate the shadows and bring hope to those in need. Guild members often wear dark attire, adorned with black feathers or small raven motifs as a mark of their allegiance.

Networking and Alliances

The Black Clan maintains a network of informants, sympathetic contacts, and allies among the common folk, oppressed groups, and even some sympathetic members of the nobility. They also establish alliances with other like-minded organizations or individuals who share their vision of justice and social change.

Legacy and Reputation

Despite being branded as outlaws by the authorities, the Black Clan has gained a reputation as a folk hero group among the common people. Their acts of defiance against oppression and their dedication to helping the less fortunate have earned them the respect and support of many communities throughout the Six Realms. The stories of their deeds are whispered among the oppressed, inspiring hope and resistance against tyranny.   While the Black Clan's activities may be deemed illegal by those in power, their efforts to serve the less fortunate have made them a symbol of hope and justice for the marginalized in the Six Realms of Prinora.
Guild, Thieves

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