BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Common Terminology

Apparition -Visual representation of a disembodied entity or spirit. This might take the full form of a person, or appear as a faint mist.   Cold spot -Cool or cold patches of air. Ghosts draw energy from the air, which leaves the cold spot behind.   DVP -Direct Voice Phenomenon -audio that is heard live rather than on a recording.   Dowsing -Movement of rods or pendulums to communicate with a spirit.   Ectoplasm -Mist associated with paranormal activity.   EMF -Electro-Magnetic Frequency (or Field)- combination of electric and magnetic energy, which is generally experienced in the presence of spirits.   Entity -Intelligent being who may or may not have been human.   EVP -Electronic Voice Phenomenon -audio that is heard on a recording's playback that wasn't audible in real time.   Ghost -Human paranormal entity.   Ghost lights -Unexplained lights that appear in groupings, usually outdoors.   Haunting -Activities by a spirit   Manifest -Presentation of paranormal activity.   Orb s -Unexplained balls of light.   Paranormal -Experience/activity that is beyond the normal.   Poltergeist -Paranormal activity that is the result of psychic-kinetic (PK) energy -usually the outflow of pent up emotions.   Shadow Person/People -One of the more controversial terms in the field. Some say these are human spirits who couldn't fully manifest. Others say these are non-human entities with malicious intent. (There are many theories for shadow people)   Spirit -Former human.   Vortex -Central point of spiritual activity or energy.


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