BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Dave Tango

Dave Tango – better known as “Tango” on The Skeleton Krew – is one of the world’s leading paranormal authorities, best known as an occultist and medium on the hit shows Unquiet Places and The Skeleton Krew. As a child, Tango was always intrigued by mysteries and the unknown, which led him to pursue magic as a serious hobby, and it remains an integral part of what makes Tango tick.   Trained by the best in the paranormal and meta-physical field, Tango’s ghost-hunting philosophy is to never be afraid to try new techniques and always experiment in the field. His trademark genuineness and sometimes strange curiosity are what fans most undoubtedly love about him.
Player: Jon   Role: Occult Ritualist


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