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Types of Hauntings

Risidual Hauntings

This type of haunting is energy that's been left behind, and is like a tape recorder playing back. It doesn't know you are there, and any interaction is purely coincidental. These hauntings generally take the form of an activity being repeated over and over at certain times of day, week, month or year. Sometimes these are just a build of energy that has soaked into a location. For example, on a battlefield, you may hear phantom cannon or rifle shots as the battle is replayed over and over.  

Conscious Haunting

These are ghosts/entities that are aware you are there. They may be interactive, and can answer questions. This might be in the form of EVP's, DVP's, or sounds such as knocks or bangs. They may also touch you, or even throw things. A lot of the interaction with this type of a haunting will depend on their general disposition and intent.  

Urban Legends

These aren't really a type of haunting, but they do warrant a quick discussion. Some locations get built up over time until it is just accepted that the place is haunted (example: Seven Sisters Road). It can be fun to set out on an adventure to investigate a location, but it can also be a waste of time. Most things that require a ritual or repetition of some kind of activity is most likely an urban legend.  


Human spirits were once people who walked this earth. Non-human spirits are entities that never had human form. There are a range of beings that fall into the non-human category, such as elementals, demons, animals, etc. Keep in mind that just because activity might be negative, doesn't necessarily mean it is the result of an evil entity. Most of the time, they are just unpleasant human spirits. Non-human entities are rare -they do happen, but not often.  


This kind of haunting occurs when a spirit or energy has been attached to an object, and can be either a conscious or residual haunting. Like anything with consciousness, these types of attachments are aware of their environment and can interact with it. A residual attachment generally takes the form of energy associated with the objects or room. These can be especially common around jails, or anywhere else that experienced high levels of emotion.


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