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AA Crystal (dub-bul Ay Cris-tulz)


Much of what's below remains. AACrystal circuits are wired from gold as a magical conductor. May include some Weirdness to AACrystals in that they can accumulate ghosts or some kind of weird personality - "machine spirits".   Still need a propper name. Arcano-accumulator crystals isn't bad.   Mined from both the earth and the skies. Sometimes found in Devil's Den. Most of the AACrystal used in Scalatoran Society is mined from bergs.      
    V1: special crystle that can store energy/magic. used to power houses and stuff like that. placed into some kind of oven that is rune-steel wired to appliances ot power them.   Ultimately, from a physics standpoint the magic of this crystal is the ability to freely transform and store energy in a magical form. Kinetic, heat, etc are transformed into magic energy.   Can be put into ship engines like Noss. bring about wild magic surges.   How do these get charged? has to be magic. Where is magic 'harnessable' from in this world?   Can be stored via harnessing kinetic energy (windmills, watermills), magic energy (spending spell slots), harnessed from clouds (special metal vanes that collect that charge, heat energy (compressing slag - until it's used up, at which point, it's basically iron)   Within a city, you could charge crystals via spell slots (inefficient), lightning rods, slag refinement.       names: piezoelectric, quartz, amethyst, topaz, Tropaz, tropoquartz. batteries. crystal cells. arcanocells. arcano-crystals, accumulator Arcano-accumulator crystals. "AA Crystals" Arcane Crystal   Piezo-electric crystals P E C


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