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Aether (ay-ther)

Aether exists in two forms: Solid and gas. The solid form shimmers and looks something like a geode - bluish with colorful swirls like sparkling galaxies within. This solid form occurs in veins found in bergs that have fallen from the Thermomare. When Aether is struck (and thus compacted) it shatters and sublimates into gas. This gas forms a glittery cloud of similar colors which is lighter than air. These clouds occasionally collect among the cloud layers (should be 3 or higher. maybe it's rare to find them in 3. but more common above). Bergs with larger deposits of Aether float higher in the tropomare.   More buyoant in gas form. Can be sifted by fine meshes.   Gas Gains buyoancy when it's compacted.   Solid Breaks apart when it's compacted (with force)


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