BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


diverse, disorganized series of sects who discuss locally their thoughts on the Conjunction. their dogma differs. small like Acts-era christianity. but probably have a group of tenets that reflect foundational beliefs about the conjunction. unitarian. compared to other religions, this is where orcs go when they religion.   Need more focus.   Mystery: Was there something behind the conjunction, or was it nature/random processes?
  • existentialist orcs would insist random.
  • T: the conjunction *happened*. regardless of the cause, our pupose is to learn-from and cooperate among the cultures that have been brought together. COOPERATION + UNDERSTANDING. text is something like "Welcome the wanderer" or "visitor" just to make things more interesting. (something like don't deny a favor to a traveller, because they could be The Wanderer).   T: promotes the exploration of planes, as a source of understanding the conjunction. crossings from The Wyld are an extension of the Conjunction and worth investigating. EXPLORATION  
  • there needs to be some pizzazz here. why are these people coming to these meetings, 700 years after the event?
  • emergence of The Wyld.
  • community. in the way that churchfolk get it.
  • what do they do at meetings?
  • share news about crossings (can't be that much of it).
  • take stock of good things that happened that week in personal lives. almost group therapy.
  • the deistic sects spin these happenings as a 'thanksgiving' to whatever laid this plan of things.
  • there are offerings of cooperation and favors among members.
  • (at this point, why have i created this? or rather, what good does it do my games/stories/setting? creates a social circle for investigations).
  • not much of an outlet for corruption/plot.
  • it needs to remain a small part of the world, then. just a thing some people are. a hobby almost. like the freemasons today.
  • so give it some weird ritual traditions, passed down from The First Conjunctivists. Who Witnessed The Conjunction.
  • each settlement would have ooooooooh! each settlement would have been a pure-ancestry group who had witnessed the conjunction and started to explore their new world. so conjunctionism was the tradition that really trully began when life begane to normalize - these people were committed to understanding and building something. there was a person who every one of these groups vaguely remember. a person who travelled through and visited them all. mysterious Traveller type figure. Mythical. Many conjunctivists don't believe in The Traveller beyond a sort of catch-all term for anyone who first came in and touched base post-conjunction. always depicted in a cloak. because people had a hard time agreeing or confidently remembering what he looked like. (maybe it was an archfae).

  • name: The Visitor (alt name may be the Wanderer)   the voyager. the wayfarer. the traveller? the stranger. witness, THE EXPLORER, the pilgrim,the nomad,
    Religious, Organised Religion


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