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"Wind Vein" scalatoran dwarven metal band. (Franci Cavalieri, Claudio Falcone, Federico Marino, Cristiano Bertoli, Filo Gatti) "Casadoran Symphonic Orchestra" - orchestra <> tavern band. play drums and sing like the dwarves in that scene in The Hobbit  

History of Rock

electric guitars were the result of dwarven guyvers working with orcish stringed lutes/guitars. in Casadoro 25 years ago.
  • this lead to punk being invented 12 years ago by The Romanos. In Casadoro, because punk requires angst and class conflict.
  • Metal and hard rock in Casadoro as well. around the same time.
  • dwarven

    traditional dwarven tavern music is heavily drum based with crowds singing over it, harmonizing Drum Shanties . this offshot into crooning singers like sinatra. traditional dwarven orchestras use brass + cymbals + older string instruments imported from Sporca. new dwarven music involves electric guitars: folk, punk, rock, metal.   Aquilan Family bands:
    Mazzeli Stampede
    The Volga Jamboree
    Aligheri Drumline
    Gentileschi Marching Band
    Caravaggio Band.    


  • nuremborc guitar music was folk. world, reggae. chill vibes. improvized and funky
  • sporcish guitar music was beautiful. virtuosic. some jazz. complex time signatures
  • human

    (died out 40 years ago).
  • bagpipes (lots of other instruments that themselves aren't used much anymore. like citars)
  • elven.

  • modern elves were into somber, contemplative music. some blues.
  • traditional elves were into instrumental usually. choirs over it.
  • almiran lounge plays instrumental blues, choirs over it.

  • Articles under Music


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