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no formal structure. Was once a collection of people from the ECC belonging to the original 8 families. but as time went on, power shifted. May not even be 8 seats anymore. Brunari is here even though they aren't one of the original 8. shit, they might have founded it. they control the money.     The Shadow Council AKA "The Ottofamiglia" - icon is the hydra or maybe a land octopus. masks with tentacles instead of beards. basically golden cthulhu masks.
  • secretive. maybe these are the original 8. who have outwardly lost and traded power, but really continued in secret after the rise of the companies. they are absolutely family-focused. they pull strings and benefit from the conflict.
  • established as the rise of companies happened (so less than 90 years ago). Initially tense because these were the people who were just ending decades of internecine war. but united by the threat of companies.
  • Type
    Secret, Government


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