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investigative journalists are a tool to show the party elements of corruption and secret societies. they can uncover organizational-corruption (asking the party for protection after an ominous death threat) or secret plots like the covenant or maestrii may have. Where private investigators don't have much agency, journalists are agency personified. curious. for a couple of them, one could invert the trope and make for a reluctant hero journalist.  
  Scalatoran   The Gold Standard Headquartered in Casadoro, The Gold Standard is a big Establishment newspaper organization. It reports heavily on financial news, as well as covering Casadoran news, from a perspective of the status quo. it is Commission-friendly in truth, but may occasionally post slightly critical articles in a show of impartiality. But they are far from impartial. Have ties to the The Casadoro Commission most likely. either their Editor in Chief (Standard Owner) is on the commission or its a more secretive thing - owns shares or something. They also print in Aquila (maybe), San Salvo (almost definitely), and have been moving into Nasarro (definitely).   For a city in the skies, are there things done to their papers to keep them from flying away? homing ink? ink laced with that magic metal, printed along the border of the page - while the paper is suspended by wind, it directs itself toward the place it was printed, allowing them to recycle and reuse some of the paper.   The Beacon also in casadoro.   Aquila has another paper - one that has been there for a long time and sells to the houses.   CDA (The Ancestors' Wrath) does some rebel printing. maybe just magic messages on existing papers? idk. ooooh! since the gold post has that magic ink, it prevents secret messages. so the CDA prints on the loyalist paper. which is to their audience but also may get some aspersions cast.   San salvo: either an independent paper that may write articles critical of the big 3. or maybe they only have the Gold Standard and it's critical of enterprises. so then... the enterprises creat their own? the story at san salvo is anti casa-doro, so there's a market for a non Gold Standard news outlet   Falco, news is supressed (the gold post is, anyway)   Nasarro's biggest one is a very Portland Newspaper. they've been pushing back against The Gold Standard, and it's just shown up here.   Porto ribelle hasn't yet killed their newspaper (there's a Porto Ribelle newspaper before they took over, and definitely one from within the pirates over the last several years).     Ashmork - low stakes. their news reports mostly on world news   Sporca - ?   Ost Almira - ?   Hope Springs ?   Devil's Den ?   Slag Point ?

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