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San Salvan Workers Union

Corrupt but very organized union. union president is 'elected. Raphael Vitale.' Hide behind their terminology. Plaster the word union on everything]. Controls largest swathe of the city - approaching 50% of the non-courtyard space. The thing is that the FFS encroaches a lot on their turf. flipping/turning people. and thieving. a lot of the crime in Union Quarter that gets reported/prosecuted is Ferroman influence. So SSWU has a lot of judges. There is SO MUCH ad/propoganda. posters everywhere. ads are for products or brand prestige (<name!> doing the most we can for the Quarter). propoganda is for "watching out for non-lisences" or "get your license" also a lot of pro-automation stuff.   People pay to get their licenses. Workers for the companies have a different version of this license, and the union represents them against those companies. those companies make agreements with the SSWU (offering workers rights for exclusivity in the area, and kick back some cash to the union). There are a lot of union reps (called "stewards") around - some for neighborhoods, some for companies (gallileo has several). The stewards come together to select a chairman or union president.  
  • Job. Francone prison bust, getting a family member out of a SSWU prison
  • Automation happening here, at Gallileo and soon Beretta + Invicti. There's some hubbub around it - SSWU has been negotiating with Gallileo about implementation.
  • non-Dwarves
    Quite a few Sporcans here. They do a lot of work within the union muscle.  
  • Gallileo Shipbuilding - Biggest ships. Low Volume. prestige. maximum elevation. fishing. water harvesting. berg harvesting. Legendary Ship: The Iceberg. Current leader of the company/ship designer is Polli (Paoletta) Lucciano.
  • Forms a 4-story high "wall" around the edge of teh city - allows for ease of access to shipbuilding. some people call it "The Gall"
  • Invicti Defense - Defensive specialists. personal armor. inventors of the Boarding Suit. (slogan: You can't win if you're dead)
  • Beretta Smithy - long range guns. mostly for ships, but also rifles. 75/25
  • Justinia Trading - trade and stock management. buy from companies and use that to fuel the companies in the SSWU.
  • Carbone's Fine Weaponcraft - Carlotta Carbone, f, dwarf. smith here who owns a *broken* katana from the Sages (Kuina Ichimonji in Almira) here mounted on her wall behind the counter. talks about its extreme quality. it's not for sale. (tease Almira to them). And one of her hammers was able to break it - any of hers would be!
  • Moretti's Handcannons - Giani Moretti, m, dwarf. gun crafter. Handcrafted and singular guns.
  • Union Power - Power Enterprise. This is where the Ettason Cage is being used. They really have to scramble to find power sources for the extreme load the union draws. Ferroman keep taking their windmills and related sources of power.
  • Mushnik Agriculture - Agricultural development enterprise. volume of growth.
  • Ironsides Inn - welcoming inn in the District. Doesn't require a license to stay here, and they can get you set up with a temp (is that allowed? probably, yeah. they need tourism).
  • The Bell Tavern, run by an orc, where a regular espouses anti-fed ideas.
  • Education: Union Trade and Elementary - free to members.
  • Mail: SSWU mail features added security - they repackage your mail for safer transport (and read it)
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