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Sargeant Vermiri

formerly a sailor (which company did he work with? aquila can't blacklist everyone who works for any company - that's what most of their people do. so there are some companies they hate more. he's from a chill one. wait, what is 'sargeant' as a role in a company?! they don't have sargeants. AAAGH). now the most esteemed painter in the Aquilan style.
  • he served in whatever i'im naming the Scalatoran Defense Force. A world-gov lead army that was formed to defend/fight against human empire. and he may have seen combat back in the day. he's probably 50-60 now. would make him older, but at advanced age, it gets hard to paint fine portraits.
  • either retired earlier, or left the navy when the boss articles were passed out of protest. which makes him big in Aquila. i also like the idea where he retired around that time, without principle, and aquilan nobility has projected that onto him as the reason for his leaving.   not wildly passionate about anything outside of art. and even then, he's just a fiddly technician.   commonly displays work at Evola Gallery.


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