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The Scalatore Code (Sal-uh-tor-ay)

(it’s been ships from the start. Thaigs grew alongside)   Article Z. On the Roles and Responsibilities of Dwarves   Z.I A dwarf is to behave honorably in the face of challenge or triumph.   Z.II <A dwarf should seek to serve their Company’s Deeds.>   Z.III A dwarf should show respect to the wisdom of their company’s elders and provide for their needs when circumstance finds them unfit to crew a ship. (this is the 1st amendment of conservatives. Used and stretched to warrant the trading of shares for elders)   Article A. On the apportioning of shares   A.I the Crew of a ship shall divide their spoils into 100 shares among them.   A.II A Capo’s quantity of shares shall be in the range of 6 times that of a serving dwarf, with larger portions of that range appropriate for particularly valuable capos commanding larger crews. A First Mate’s quantity of shares shall be 2 times that of a serving dwarf. An officer’s quantity of shares shall be 1.5 times that of a serving dwarf.   A.III A serving dwarf shall receive a number of shares determined by summing the quantity of shares for an entire crew (“QoS”) and dividing 100 by that number (100 / QoS).   A.IV (fresh ink) Elders holding a position of Leadership in their company (Hereafter “Bosses”) shall receive a commensurate portion of shares for all the crews in that company, not fewer than 5 shares each.   A. IV.a (fresh ink) Advisors serving to coordinate and enhance the performance of a company’s crews (hereafter “Consiglieris”) shall receive a commensurate portion of shares for all the crews in that company, not fewer than 2 shares.    (maybe re-order to make it clear that the payment of consiglieris are essentially a legal defense of the Elders. Some consiglieris advocate for these very laws)     Article B. Ship behaviors and penalties   <reason that the guilty must give 50% of their shares. Or 25%>   Provisions for Legal Mutiny   <a capo demands too great a proportion of shares>  
  Early articles that define dwarven things like name's and noble houses.   I think you can take on a noble last name even if you maried out of it, at the decision of the house. surnames aren't chosen based on patriarchy. they're selected at each marriage, and sometimes people keep their own last name (when houses are both important). someone who keeps their own last name at marriage can later adopt their spouse's last name for the sake of that family's line or legacy or whatever. there's NOT much of a bastard-taboo - it's just about whatever is best for the family's administration.
Text, Legislative


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