The Feast of Aligned Worlds Tradition / Ritual in The Snip-Snap Scrapbook | World Anvil
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The Feast of Aligned Worlds

The Feast of the Aligned Worlds is a very look-forward-to event. Many species and ages, specially the younglings, enjoy the feast. For the food, for the games, for the experience, for the friendship, for the thrill of the hunt, anything during the feast is enough to make lasting memories for many of the residents in the Scrapbook.
During the feast, there is little isolation. Everyone goes outside, usually to see the wonder of the aligned worlds and because they are required to participate in the feast (though they can eat as much or as little as they wish, and are not required to stay for the after party).
The week before the event is spent prepping the pastries, cleaning the tables and benches, making more if necessary, arranging any prize for the hunt if there is one, and determining where the hunt begins if the world has a hunt.


The Feast of Aligned Worlds is said to be an event that even the Ancient Scraps participated in (though this cannot be confirmed).


There is no true correct way to perform the Feast of the Aligned Worlds, because it doesn't happen too often and no one is quite sure of its origins. However, most feasts go from a main hunt for game meat, to the feasting, and then to the socializing. The socializing usually involves games of many varities.

Components and tools

Large tables, many pastries, long benches, and meats fresh from hunts are traditionally used. Lights, streamers, and other things to make the feast more fun have been added in our Eclipse Era.


On some worlds, the leaders of that world dress up in a ghost-fabric, and stand all high and mighty as they bring about the feast and declare what they are feasting for - good fortune, life, etcetera etcetera - and then the leader allows the entirety of their world to commence feasting.


The feast, as mentioned in its name, is observed by every single resident in the Scrapbook whenever all of the worlds align to form a straight line into the unknown darkness beyond our universe. There is usually a week's notice, as this alignment can be foretold a month before the day happens.
Primary Related Location

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