Dropship Skiffs
Much larger than their utility and maintenance brethren, dropship skiffs are meant to transport officers and soldiers to the ground or from ship-to-ship. The United Nations Navy makes a few different sizes and models at the Bush Shipyards, but the idea remains the same. Dropship skiffs are used by the UNN to shuttle soldiers between ships and to the surface of planetary bodies. These skiffs come in different shapes and sizes but serve the same purpose. Having only a short range from their motherships, their purpose is only to land soldiers from place-to-place instead being used to scout. The UNN employs different ship variants and modifications even within these types of skiffs, utilizing two primary types. They mostly differ in size, with some minor additional changes, but they both serve the same function. The interiors of these skiffs are nicer and more luxurious, with some basic functions and supplies that would allow soldiers to survive for a few days, if necessary. Unlike repair skiffs, these small ships aren’t equipped with maneuverable arms or any other specialized tools; instead, they serve only as transportation from one place to the other. UNN dropships aren’t even armed, unlike their multi-use MCRN counterparts.Insertion-Type
The Insertion-type (also called I-type) dropship skiff is the smaller of the two dropships and is hosted in the hangar bays of the Truman-class dreadnoughts used by the United Nations Navy. These dropships strongly resemble the MCRN Troika-class. The larger is the Marauder-Type (or M-type) dropship skiff, used by the United Nations Marine Corps, which is typically deployed on large battleships and houses a larger host of marines.Power Generation
Fusion Reactor
Weapons & Armament
Fore-mounted PDC Network
Armor and defense
Hull Plating
Owning Organization
Complement / Crew
2 (4)
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