The Murphy-class light destroyer is an exercise in how many guns can fit into a small ship. The light destroyer is the United Nations Navy swarm-style vessel that subverts the traditional expectation of a UN boat being a brick. Instead, the light destroyer aims to fire as much as it can as fast as it can and outfly any incoming fire.
The Murphy-class light destroyer aesthetically looks like other UNN ships with a narrow top and two wide shoulders about midway down the hull; however, that’s where the similarities end. The light destroyer doesn’t have thickly armored hulls and has two large Epstein Drives attached to the bottom. Almost twice as large as the Mulan-class gunship, the light destroyer is still one of the smaller warships in the UNN fleet. The small size is intended to make it more maneuverable; unfortunately, UN Navy pilots aren’t as well trained on agile ships as their Martian Congressional Republic Navy rivals.
The Murphy-class has one fore-mounted, high-charged Railgun, and another aft mounted. It also has two fore mounted torpedo bays and full Point Defense Cannon coverage. The massive antennae array mounted in the forward section are sensors and communication systems.
Power Generation
Fusion Drive
2x Epstein Drive, Thrusters
Weapons & Armament
- 2x Fore-mounted torpedo tubes
- 2x Rail gun, fore and aft-mounted
- Full coverage PDC Network
Communication Tools & Systems
Wide and Narrow band communication antenna
RADAR, LADAR, Radio receptor, optical telescopes
Additional & auxiliary systems
Advanced Communications Systems, Advanced Targeting Systems, Good Juice, High-Charged Rail Gun, Improved Acceleration III, Maneuverable II, Plasma Torpedoes, Self-Destruct System
Light Destroyer
Owning Organization
Complement / Crew
9 (32)
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