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Tidal Birth

Tidal Birth is a childbirth practice that is commonly practiced in countries boardering the Gulf of Luentia, especially Auselii, Corium, Ferraea and Turia. Tidal birth involves going through labor and delivery in the man-made tidal pools built along the coastline, often to protect swimmers from rough seas. It is considered very important, culturally, to be Tideborn, because it is believed to show the family's commitment to the sea. This deeply intimate, woman-centered birthing ritual honors the connection between life, death the sea, and their sea-dwelling communities.  

Sacred Tidal Pools:

  • The ritual takes place in specially constructed tidal pools, which are replenished with sea water during high tide. These pools are smaller than regular swimming pools, and can comfortably accommodate up to five people in their shallow waters. A grown adult can be submerged up to the neck when sitting or kneeling.
  • The pools are not reserved simply for birthing rituals: in many instances, members of the community or dying due to sickness or injury, are allowed to pass in the salt waters.
  • The buoyancy of the water is believed to provide comfort and ease the birthing process.
  • These pools are decorated with shells, seaweed, and underwater plants to create a serene and natural environment.
  • Birthing during storms, a full moon or at high tide, is considered particularly auspicious.

Support Network:

  • The tidal birthing ritual is led by experienced midwives and elder women of the community, who possess deep knowledge of the sea and birthing practices. These women provide guidance, support, and reassurance to the birthing mother. They will not force the mother to leave the water unless complications arise. In these cases, newborns born on the land are immediately submerged in the tidal pool, but they are not considered truly Tideborn. These children are referred to as Landlocked, and are barred from taking any jobs as adults that require them to interact with the sea.
  • Close female relatives and friends sit around the tidal pool at the invitation of the labouring woman, offering emotional support, prayers, and positive energy. Throughout the birthing process, the women present sing ancient chants and songs, and call upon the Tempest Bride's protection. In this way, they create a safe, loving space for the mother and the new life entering the world.

Cleansing and Anointment:

  • Before entering the tidal pool, the birthing mother undergoes a cleansing ritual with seawater, symbolizing purification and readiness for the new life. The midwives anoint her with oils infused with sea herbs and flowers, blessing her and the unborn child.
  • Gentle massages with warmed sea stones help to soothe and support the woman during her labor.

Cover image: by Michael Schaffler


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Aug 21, 2024 23:05

This a quaint setup.   I wonder on the mother's emotional state after birthing a "Tideborn" versus a "Landlocked" and the community's collective feelings

Aug 24, 2024 20:38 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

Unique (so far) ceremony. I would think that a child born in the midst of a storm would be designated specially too? I liked this idea - Definitely worth a post Summer camp polish!

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