Engraved-Mien of Pasiap's Displeasure, white jade and starmetal gunzosha armour

Based on Seralawi, the earth's beating heart, heirs of the shogunate, p.178 and regular Gunzosha armour heirs of the shogunate, p.177.
  Prepared for the balorian crusade at Pasiap's initiative, but never used, these artifact armours remain a most potent weapon.

Almost a person-sized and person-shaped warstrider, this artifact armour would be famous if it hadn't been shrouded in so much secrecy.

Attunement: 6m
Type: Heavy (Soak +11, Hardness 10, Mobility
Penalty −2)
Tags: None
Hearthstone slot(s): 1
Era: The Balorian Crusade

The starmetal-covered armoured fist counts as artifact smashfists


Gunzosha Evocations

The following Evocations are possessed by all gunzosha armor.

Integrated Essence Musculature

Cost: 3m or 3i; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Withering-only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None

Gunzosha armor amplifies the strength of its wearer, giving her the strength of ten. She adds (Strength) dice on a Strength-based roll, or (Strength) to the raw damage of a withering attack. If she uses this Evocation to enhance a feat of strength, she adds +1 to her effective Strength to determine what feats she can attempt.

Internal Life-Support Systems

Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One day
Prerequisites: None

Automated systems within gunzosha armor monitor the wearer’s health, deploying the armor’s integrated medical equipment as needed. The wearer adds an automatic success on rolls against poison and disease, triples the rate at which she heals damage naturally, and triples her effective Stamina for determining how long she can go without food, water, and air (Exalted, p. 232).


Kinetic Armor Reinforcement

Cost: 1m or 1i per success; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Perilous, Uniform
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None

Infinitesimal fibers of the magical materials are woven throughout the gunzosha armor, reinforcing it against attack when charged with Essence. After a damage roll against the wearer, she can use this Evocation to subtract a number of successes up to the 1s on the damage roll, paying one mote or Initiative per success subtracted.


Mobility Augmentation System

Cost: 3m or 3i; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None

Gunzosha armor propels its wearer’s every movement, allowing her to keep pace with the fastest of rival despite her armor’s weight. She adds an automatic success and ignores the armor’s mobility penalty on a rush, disengage, contested roll in a race, or a roll to accomplish a challenging climb, jump, or the like.

Sensory Augmentation Visor

Cost: 4m or 4i; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Uniform
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None

The gunzosha armor’s visor provides drastically enhanced vision and integrated targeting systems. She ignores one point of penalty from visual obstruction, such as darkness or fog, on an action. If she enhances an attack roll or Awareness roll, she also adds two successes.

  Dual-Fired Offensive Core(Adapted from Blazing Eyes of Annihilation)
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Dissonant, Dual, Resonant
Duration: Instant
  Prerequisites: Sensor Augmentation Visor

Beams of golden light shine from the Gunzosha armor's red jade hand, converging into a single point to illumine the pilot’s foes. When she makes an Archery-based attack against a battle group or an enemy of Huge Size or greater, she may invoke this Evocation to reflexively aim at it.

If she uses it to enhance a decisive attack that incapacitates a non-trivial enemy or deals enough damage to a battle group to reduce its Size, she adds (Perception) to the base Initiative she resets to. This doesn’t stack with other magic that increases her base Initiative.

Special activation rules: As long as the pilot isn’t dissonant with orichalcum, this Evocation awakens at no cost the first time she Joins Battle against a battle group or Huge Size foe that’s caused harm or destruction to one of her Major or Defining Intimacies or defeated her previously in battle.

Resonant: In addition to adding +3 dice on an attack roll, the pilot’s aiming also adds 3 dice to the raw damage of a decisive attack, or to the damage of a withering attack after soak has been subtracted.


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