Adventure April

This adventure is for 3-6 Exalted Essence players, aimed at Essence 2.

The players are in any sufficiently populated area, with access to the Wyld, because of the antagonists.

An NPC the party knows reaches out about the local Fae attacking the settlement the NPC belongs to. For playtesting, I used Palanquin(see the Ysyr section, their sorcerous overlords, in Across the Eight Directions, p.173-179), a city of maybe 10000 people on the Dreaming Sea, whose shipping lanes cross over the Orchid Court Territory(Across the Eight Directions, p.180-182).

Feel free to let the players get a rented ship, to sail to the local atoll where the local ship, for instance, and then they are told of the promised one...

After meeting some of the very mortal, normal residents, they pick up the trail of the Orchid Court, either a ship has been seen recently, or the odd fish have been found, with divots cut out of their heads, the carcasses left onto each nearby island by the Raksha. The outer guards of each Raksha settlement tend to be experienced fighters, with higher soak and hardness, and less pure skill/pool numbers compared to their essence. The ruler of a court could conceivably be an Essence 5 charm-spewing monster.

A young mortal from An-Teng's nobilty has been kidnapped and is slowly becoming a Wyld Mutant, being used as a recorder and jester by the court.

Feel free to insert other colourful fae here, I've used some of these:

  Stats, optionally use Fiar Folk or even Raksha noble from Essence core, p.336-337, I'm including a variant of my custom stats for Star-child, she should be around the higher skills for a Raksha noble, but not as skilled in combat, due to her new, nascent nature:

Starchild, Orchid's jester

Primary Pool (8)Embodying Their Virtue, Manipulating Mortals
Secondary Pool (7)Fair Folk Politics, Inspiring Passion, Shaping the Wyld
Tertiary Pool (6)
Health Levels8
ATTACKS AND QUALITIESBeguile, Glamour, Virtue-Poisoning, Wyld Alterations (p. 320), Fae Nature (p. 320)


Short Daiklave2011

Silk Attire

Silk Attire100


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