Starchild, Orchid's Jester

Starchild Oumora Orchid-Jester- Finufalli

"She is the star-child, promised, prophesized. Watch her."   "But she is a child!"   "A child born of legend, underestimate her at your peril."
— Diary of Reef-Sovereign Ralen's assistant, Fireblossom.
I have a secret, unlike them, and their heart-graces, I have a soul. I am a mortal, I was born Oumoura Finufalli, the third child born to the Finufalli family, in An-Teng. I would be sixteen years old now, if I hadn't been trapped in the Wyld, according to the notation I saw on a merchant's logbook. I was educated in Salt-Founded Glory, by the Prince Kiotaran of Upward View, a noted scholar and sorcerer. Halfway through my studies, I was promised to Uplifting Snow, as his third wife, a political marriage.   The son of the High Prince of the Shorelands, he was quite a match for such a young thing as myself. But his father undermined him at every turn, and their feud had terrible consequences when I was left unprotected in the City of Dead Flowers for an hour. Unbenknownst to both, I was trapped into the tribulations of the Silver Prince, who sought me carried away, taken by boat through great secrecy, to the north of Sijan, the Black Chase, where I foolishly tried to beg the assistance of local agents I thought would be sympathetic.   They were agents of the other silver prince, Ma-Ha Suchi, the silver-maned prince of fangs, and trying to take me to Point Sund, and I can only imagine my fate if others had not intervened.   I was however, waylaid, by a pair of death knights in service to the Mask of Winters, then, this man who kept screaming his name was Jiunan and he sent them packing, then got thrown into the river, while some other agents snuck me away, to Nexus.   I was taken to the nearby Court of Diamond, in Firewander. There, diamond fair ones kept me in a cage of their own devising, in which I grew younger. I know not how long they held me, but after a moment, I was taken away, the Invasive Dreamweaver, acolyte of the dream had asked that I be 'allowed' to accompany her to the Orchid Court, and this boon was granted, or so it was said.   I was presented to the lady of the Orchid Court, Iridescent Opaline, glitter-shade of twilight, Ishvara of the Orchid Court, who ordered that I be presented to her protégé, Tide-Princess Suljin, follower of Nam The Unceasing, acolyte of the Nebula, as a gift.   She would beat me, and call me useless and treat me like an imposition, but over time, I became more like them... I started hurting if I touched cold steel, I would be unable to lie, when she noticed, the Princess asked me what was happening, and she explained, when I told her, that I had been blessed, that each Raksha gains various "conditions", she described those as diseases, in reality, but with each I would gain power, first over death, then over life, over music, and others, I do not understand even all the ones I am supposed to have. She said I had Life, Death, Song and Story written in my soul now.
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