Council of Entities
The Nexus City Ruling council, composed of six non-guild members, and six guild members, with the Emissary notionally representing a tiebreaking vote and anyone not represented otherwise. Combative Mattresses , Exigent of Organized Crime, would very much like to replace one of the guild factors with one of his own people, however, most of his trusted people are Chosen, like him, and so would be rejected out of hand by the Guild, unless magical disguises are applied.
August Councilor of the Eclipse: Entity: Merchant Lady Cunégonde
Councilor of Midnight/Midnight Queen: Entity: Merchant Lady Grimwolde
Evening Master/Evening Queen: Entity: Mercenary Lord Vladish
Midday Husband/Wife: Entity: Mercenary Lord Blaine
Dawn Sergeant: Entity: Mercenary Lord Wiseman
Minister of Ways: Entity: Merchant Lady Vasely
The Doctor: Entity: Barber guidsmaster Trudish
The Astrologer: Entity: Prognositicator Guildmistress Wandry
The Mistlord/Mistlady: Shadow Entity: The Dockwalker
The Nuau: Shadow Entity: Factor Second Dog Sharp
The Deep Shoal: Shadow Entity: Tide of Man-o-Wars
Cuepidity: Shadow Entity: Van of the Heart