Engraven Name

"Thank you for receiving me."   "You present quite an interesting problem, we had no idea this item had been found again." Debok Moom said. The Minister of War looked perplexed. "This was quite an early attempt at armouring Exalts for combat, perhaps the first. And this balance of magical materials is not something that we've seen since. Even repairing it would tax even ourselves."   "Yes, but considering all that, how safe is it to gird some exalt with this?"   "Quite safe, the magical materials do absorb quite a bit of... punishment. And the, euh, the relic even more so."   "The Relic?"   "We have no reason to doubt the holy provenance of the central pectoral. An entire metropoli could bleed itself dry trying to harm that, and still fail."
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder
Raw materials & Components
Engraven Name was an old name when the Usurpation happened, it's even rumoured it had been the armour of thrice-damned Gorool at some point. But its exact origin has been lost to time. It's outer layer tiled over by a mosaic of all five colours of jade, while its inner layer, a tunic of chain woven of orichalcum, soulsteel, moonsilver, starmetal and adamant, no two adjacent links made of the same material. Under this, a shirt made of unicorn leather taken from Raksha nobles' mounts protects the skin. The center of the plectrum area is covered by a huge, unique plate: a stone that scaled off Autochtron's skin itself. the size of a common tombstone. Only strength five(5) characters can even wear the armour for any length of time, but those that do find that sorcery or elemental attacks, including fire, that strike this plate, are absorbed. In game terms, this is the Evocation Autochton's eyebrow: see Autochton's eyebrow.


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